Bolg's Big Iron Plate any good?

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by HunterMike, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. HunterMike

    HunterMike Mushroom Warrior

    I have such a hard time figuring out if certain cards are decent, good, great...or horribad. Can someone help me with a recent drop: Bolg's Big Iron Plate

    Thought it might be decent on a dwarf with limited movement, but 2 of the 6 slots being non-attacks seems bad. Plus I get a lot of movement through boots and dwarf skill. So...?
  2. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Use the green sphere to link items to the wiki: Bolg's Big Iron Plate.

    I think it's the best weapon with Surging Shield Block, but generally there's better double minor weapons out there: Eixocl's Hammer, Infused Greatclub, Troll's Ire, Rageblood Dagger.

    For future, you should check if Peonprop or anyone else has reviewed the item in the Daily Deal thread. There's handy list in that thread, that I've bookmarked: Peon's 200th Review Bonanza. Bold's Big Iron Plate hasn't been reviewed yet, but some of the comments from Axe of the Titans could apply here too.

    If the item in question is not yet reviewed or you need more opinions, you can use the Rate my Randimar's Rarities whether the item in question is still in shop or found in a chest.
  3. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    I have (more than?) one, and I think it's worth playing. Good synergy with Crusher. With all the new options for major tokens on helmets/armor/boots, I think it might see more play.
  4. HunterMike

    HunterMike Mushroom Warrior

    Thanks for your input! Still getting a feel for thread placement (having a 1 and 3 year old running around takes a bit of my attention haha). I actually do searches for items in the RRR thread, and didn't see anything for this, so I created a thread...but in hindsight, as you stated, should have posted in there.
  5. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Haven't played a whole lot with this weapon, but I do think it can be put to good use. As you pointed out, Surging Shield Block can be especially good on otherwise-slow dwarves (though more movement is often a great addition to characters of all races). It also has great synergy with Energizing Move and other movement-boosting cards.

    Lo and behold, a whole lot's gonna depend on what exactly your build is, i.e. whether or not Bolg's Big Iron Plate fits well with the rest of your strategy.

    All in all, I wouldn't define it bad, but rather somewhat of a niche-weapon.

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