That reminds me. Sometimes, you're holding out on refreshing the game because of a double-dip opportunity or even just keeping a certain item in a store or the Club blister available past its normal time. But then! On going to such-and-such next screen (less relevant with Club blister), the game gets hung loading! Oh no! Fear not. (Okay, fear a little -- but don't lose all hope.) F1 boardeditor Enter Cancel/Exit/whatever-it-is This can force the game to stop loading what it was trying, take the extra time and effort to load the editor, then let you escape to a previous screen -- without refreshing the whole game. No guarantees pulling this Dangerous Maneuver, but it has multiple times rescued me from a botched attempt to double-dip the Fairy blessing -- or to juggle some tasks for to buy an item severl hours past its time.
I'm not the best with technology. Could someone kindly explain the "verbose" command? I tried it, but just then get a bunch of seemingly random words and numbers. Me is not yet l33t :{ If I have to scroll through each of these each time just to see which item, overall that will burn several minutes off my game clock won't it?
You can occasionally use the "clear" command to clear the console, so that you don't have to sift through as much every time. Or you could just use the "clear" command before you know the round is going to end, so only round-end information is written. You'll want to look for something like this: Code: Received extension response: battle Parameters: (bool) IIU: false (utf_string) type: deckPeeks (sfs_object) DP: (sfs_array) peeks: (sfs_object) (utf_string) origin: Goblin-hide Boots (utf_string) type: Muscle Through (int) card: 0 (int) owner: 0 (int) group: 2 (int) cownerp: 0 (int) cownerg: 2 Here's what to make of the labels: origin: Item name. type: Card name. owner: 0 or 1 is the player index. group: 0, 1, or 2 is the character index. card: 0, 1, ... is the card index in hand. cownerp: 0 or 1 is the original player index. cownerg: 0, 1, or 2 is the original character index. Notice that indexing starts at 0. Thus in the example above, we see that the card Muscle Through from the item Goblin-hide Boots was revealed as the 1st card in the opponent's 3rd character's hand, and the original character's deck that the card came from is the same as where it's located. That would be different e.g. in the case of Traveling Curse, Advanced Battlefield Training, etc. It's still not the most practical tip, but it's possible.
Collection Analysis You can check out your progress towards a complete collection. Just head on over to and follow the instructions.
Play on Tablet/Phone Obviously you can play CH on a tablet with a full Windows OS. You can also play on an Android and Apple phones with the right web browser. It is not the smoothest experience. But it is good for joining leagues, checking out the daily deal, trolling world chat, etc. For more details read this forum thread,