Test Build 3.56.0 (10 Aug 2015)

Discussion in 'Testing' started by Jon, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Mauve Manticore 8 and the first item crafted by Aloyzo are in this build. In addition, there are a bunch of bug fixes including the ability to run the Steam client when it can't connect to Steamworks. This might provide a work around for some cases where the client starts up with a black screen at the moment.

    If you do run the Steam client in this way, it will warn on startup and you will need to login manually as it can't use Steam to authenticate your account. This requires having a password, of course. In addition, purchases made in this mode must be made through Paypal as Steam wallet won't be available.

    There's a fix here too for cases where the deck builder is manually scrolled down to the party and a character is added to or removed from the party when it isn't allowed by the server (i.e. rather than clicking modify party). Those buttons should be disabled now in that case.

    Finally, league prize awards have been reworked so it's much less likely you might get told an incorrect number of chests as a prize if you login while the prizes are being awarded.

    • Release Mauve Manticore #8.
    • Added Aloyzo's Arsenal item number one: Dynamic Staff
    • Refactor league prize awarding to interleave the DB updates and notifications to reduce the chance of incorrect totals after notification (if player logs in during the update process).
    • Optimise use of DB connections and prepared statements in league prizes updates.
    • Fixed an old DB league patch.
    Deck Builder
    • Disable add to / remove from party buttons in pre-adventure deck builder pre-battle state. Fixes server side failures to change party when the player has scrolled manually in the pre-adventure deck builder.
    Steam Client
    • On Steam client startup, warn client and allow to continue if Steamworks can't be initialized.
    • Fix desktop web browser crash on return from Paypal.
    • Auto-close desktop web browser on return from Paypal.
    • Call addElement instead of addChild for desktop browser in steam app initialisation when starting without steamworks available.
    • Omit google wallet in steam client when steamworks not available.
    • Ignore tutorial adventure when counting completed co-op adventures for achievements.
    Custom Games
    • Added a bunch of extra monsters to the custom game picker.
    • Large weapon only affects melee attacks.
    • Fix bad warning string when logging in on last day of ban.
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    If you want to test the new Steam client mode where it doesn't authenticate using Steam, you will need to do the following:
    • Shut down Steam.
    • Locate your Steam library.
    • In Windows, find CardHunter.exe in <steam-library-folder>\steamapps\common\CardHunter.
    • In OS X, find CardHunter.app in <steam-library-folder>\steamapps\common\CardHunter.
    • Create a new file in that folder called steam_appid.txt.
    • Edit this file and write "293260".
    • Save the file.
    • Double click the executable or application file to run it directly.
    progammer likes this.
  3. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I played through Mauve Manticore #8 and enjoyed it! Thanks for the fun missions, creators, and thanks for another streamlined Manticore issue, Flaxative! Much appreciated.
  4. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    YES. YES. YES.
    Sir Veza and Flaxative like this.
  5. Mr. Magnifico

    Mr. Magnifico Thaumaturge

    I'll have what he's having.
    Pawndawan, Sir Veza and Jarmo like this.

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