Test Build 2.78.0 (31 Dec 2014)

Discussion in 'Testing' started by Jon, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Happy New Year everyone! A new test build to celebrate the end of 2014.

    The main thing in this build is a new key system that we're adding that will unlock boxed sets or pizza. To start with, we'll be testing keys to unlock the Basic Edition. I'll post some test keys in this thread and I'd really love it if people could try them out.

    To redeem a key, you enter it via the menu option. It should grant you the Basic Edition exactly as if you purchased it directly. Some additional points:
    • You should be able to redeem a key even if you have the Basic Edition. You should get the pizza and club, even if you already have the treasure hunts and figures.
    • Once you've redeemed a key, you shouldn't be able to purchase the Basic Edition again via the pizza menu.
    • Each key is 15 alpha-numeric digits. Case shouldn't matter and you should be able to enter keys as straight digits or with the hyphen separators that we use to make them easier to read.
    • Keys should only be usable once.
    What are we going to use keys for and how will you get them for real? I'll be revealing that shortly!

    Other more minor things in this build: the holiday store will close and some miscellaneous optimisations.

    Content Key
    • Add the content key system.
    • Close the holiday store.
    • Remove holiday costumes from costume store.
    • Small change to pizza SKU retrieval - change to logic of duplicate set purchases.
    • Kongregate logins are handled in a task queue.
    Stexe likes this.
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Here are 20 keys. If you use one for test, please post in the thread. Be best if you cut and paste the list without the key you used so people can chew through them in order. Thanks!
    • QWZ3O-X92FV-OB85K
    • WXUV1-Y8Q03-LPE9A
    • HNBRY-S56I5-AJA4S
    • KJ8A6-K0L4D-RRZRI
    • DO54F-3WKQU-5GDGK
    • LGJ9R-5T76D-KY5J5
    • F06Y9-DKJK6-WKKHJ
    • PLWIA-C6I5U-H74VN
    • GLBS4-1KQJ5-L0D5C
    • 0Y23E-7GMWS-Z81B4
    • RRPIZ-9ZK0I-P1Z26
    • R2KTM-E121D-V01CR
    • LJJR1-Y0GI0-Y8HDQ
    • N49OY-V2FX3-88JQK
    • BB3A2-K8307-JFF1S
    • 54DES-B9B6N-UUBEK
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I used QWZ3O-X92FV-OB85K. The list is now:
    • WXUV1-Y8Q03-LPE9A
    • HNBRY-S56I5-AJA4S
    • KJ8A6-K0L4D-RRZRI
    • DO54F-3WKQU-5GDGK
    • LGJ9R-5T76D-KY5J5
    • F06Y9-DKJK6-WKKHJ
    • PLWIA-C6I5U-H74VN
    • GLBS4-1KQJ5-L0D5C
    • 0Y23E-7GMWS-Z81B4
    • RRPIZ-9ZK0I-P1Z26
    • R2KTM-E121D-V01CR
    • LJJR1-Y0GI0-Y8HDQ
    • N49OY-V2FX3-88JQK
    • BB3A2-K8307-JFF1S
    • 54DES-B9B6N-UUBEK
  4. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I used B0SWF-CR7B4-TTNRH. It worked as expected. The list is now:
    • WXUV1-Y8Q03-LPE9A
    • HNBRY-S56I5-AJA4S
    • KJ8A6-K0L4D-RRZRI
    • DO54F-3WKQU-5GDGK
    • LGJ9R-5T76D-KY5J5
    • F06Y9-DKJK6-WKKHJ
    • PLWIA-C6I5U-H74VN
    • GLBS4-1KQJ5-L0D5C
    • 0Y23E-7GMWS-Z81B4
    • RRPIZ-9ZK0I-P1Z26
    • R2KTM-E121D-V01CR
    • LJJR1-Y0GI0-Y8HDQ
    • N49OY-V2FX3-88JQK
    • BB3A2-K8307-JFF1S
    • 54DES-B9B6N-UUBEK
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Do we also still need to add noLoot to xmas items?
  6. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yeah, that will be in the next build.
  7. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Updates to Monster Hunt? :-P

    I assume keys will let people run contests and easier ability for promos and maybe Steam keys or something?

    Used: WXUV1-Y8Q03-LPE9A
    • HNBRY-S56I5-AJA4S
    • KJ8A6-K0L4D-RRZRI
    • DO54F-3WKQU-5GDGK
    • LGJ9R-5T76D-KY5J5
    • F06Y9-DKJK6-WKKHJ
    • PLWIA-C6I5U-H74VN
    • GLBS4-1KQJ5-L0D5C
    • 0Y23E-7GMWS-Z81B4
    • RRPIZ-9ZK0I-P1Z26
    • R2KTM-E121D-V01CR
    • LJJR1-Y0GI0-Y8HDQ
    • N49OY-V2FX3-88JQK
    • BB3A2-K8307-JFF1S
    • 54DES-B9B6N-UUBEK
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
  8. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Using key E0ANC-PZ3DQ-N6JBD

    • HNBRY-S56I5-AJA4S
    • KJ8A6-K0L4D-RRZRI
    • DO54F-3WKQU-5GDGK
    • LGJ9R-5T76D-KY5J5
    • F06Y9-DKJK6-WKKHJ
    • PLWIA-C6I5U-H74VN
    • GLBS4-1KQJ5-L0D5C
    • 0Y23E-7GMWS-Z81B4
    • RRPIZ-9ZK0I-P1Z26
    • R2KTM-E121D-V01CR
    • LJJR1-Y0GI0-Y8HDQ
    • N49OY-V2FX3-88JQK
    • BB3A2-K8307-JFF1S
    • 54DES-B9B6N-UUBEK
  9. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Went to a test account, bought a treasure hunt and some figures from the Basic Editon, then entered key as:
    (It won't let you use more than 3 dashes.)

    Gary's prompt when the box arrives says 100 slices of pizza, but the animation says 25. I'm pretty sure I actually got 100 slices.


    It won't let me reuse the key on that account or on other accounts (even when using different capitalization and dashes).

    Then tried key 54DES-B9B6N-UUBEK on the first account and it worked! You should check if this type of key was already used on this account.

    Remaining keys:
    • HNBRY-S56I5-AJA4S
    • KJ8A6-K0L4D-RRZRI
    • DO54F-3WKQU-5GDGK
    • LGJ9R-5T76D-KY5J5
    • F06Y9-DKJK6-WKKHJ
    • PLWIA-C6I5U-H74VN
    • GLBS4-1KQJ5-L0D5C
    • 0Y23E-7GMWS-Z81B4
    • RRPIZ-9ZK0I-P1Z26
    • R2KTM-E121D-V01CR
    • LJJR1-Y0GI0-Y8HDQ
    • N49OY-V2FX3-88JQK
    • BB3A2-K8307-JFF1S
  10. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

  11. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I don't know whether using two valid keys on the same account will be an issue.
    People being people, it wouldn't surprise me.
  12. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Actually, it would only be a problem for the bundle keys. Keys for pizza/chest/figures/league tickets would be fine.

    I would like to see the bundle keys fail if you already own the bundle. If you want to be complicated about it, give the player a choice between redeeming the key for just the pizza and membership or letting someone else use it.
  13. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Not sure what the intention of the code is... if it is to get new players the Basic Edition then once one is redeemed on an account another shouldn't be able to. However, if they are like promo codes, then letting someone redeem more than once for the additional membership and pizza seems fair.

    Really depends what Jon intends them for.
  14. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I expect it to be an option in the pizza menu to give the purchase to someone else. I know I heard people in chat asking for that sort of thing.
  15. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    The bundle always sold for cash, not pizza. I suspect the keys are designed to work with the currency systems of Steam and/or Kongregate. Gifting may be a possibility, but I think that could still face some problems.
  16. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I meant where you buy pizza, not spend it.
  17. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Where do you enter this code?
    And i dont understand- are we supposed to make a new account and test what the Basic Edition gives us i dont understand???
  18. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    There is an option in Menu on the test server. Jon just wanted people to test to see if it works as intended.
  19. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    The test server is where we poke things to see if they break. If you can, try to test it in a way we haven't tried yet.
  20. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

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