Test Build 2.13 (17 May 2014)

Discussion in 'Testing' started by Jon, May 17, 2014.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    New test build is up with two new leagues. Would appreciate any testing or feedback (they aren't scheduled as leagues yet, but you can play them through casual games). The scenarios are Death March (constructed) and Graveyard Gambol (fixed-deck).

    Graveyard Gambol will be the first officially supported scenario that contains monster groups. To support this, I did a bunch of work on the UI for using multi-character groups (minions), where you have to pick instigators for cards. I'd love to hear any feedback on those UI changes and/or anything that might have got broken in the process.

    In addition to this, this build contains a bunch of behind the scenes work building towards a downloadable client. This should be transparent, but let us know if anything weird has happened as a result.

    Here's the full change list:

    • Added graveyard gambol and death march.
    Battle UI
    • Fixed tweens not being stopped when effect manager refreshes (caused filters to hang around/get messed up).
    • Picking an instigator highlights potential instigators.
    • Picking an instigator highlights potential targets on mouse over.
    • When showing instigators on mouse over of a card, don't highlight those that aren't valid.
    • Auto select instigator for group moves.
    • Fix some bugs with instigator highlights not being released.
    • Don't show instigator highlight during PlayActionCommand.
    Stand Alone Client
    • Lots of work to support future release.
    progammer likes this.
  2. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I get through the server status check and the credentials dialog. Then this popup pops up: "Login failed: The server is currently closed for maintenance. Please try again later."

    Same after clearing the cache (Chrome).
  3. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Same here.
    I was really hoping the last build with the inventory improvements would be going live about now. Additional incentive to get this build checked out quickly, I guess.
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Sorry, should be fixed now.
  5. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Graveyard gambol

    When mousing-over or selecting attack cards for multi-char group, instigator highlights are active even when the unit is not adjacent to any other unit.

    Mass Reanimate crash:
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Msg=The active player is now lockphase
    stopTimer 0 626
    startTimer 0 626
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Player=lockphase,Actor=Zombor,Event=Move,Origin=(3, 2),StartFacing=(1, 0),Destination=(3, 2),EndFacing=(1, 0)
    stopTimer 0 625
    BATTLE LOG: Player=lockphase,Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Event=PlayAction,Action=Sweeping Smash,Instigator=Zombor,Targets=
    startTimer 1 692
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Msg=Collar took 6 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Msg=Collar died
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Msg=The active player is now phaselock
    BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Event=PlayAction,Action=Mass Reanimate,Instigator=Necro,Targets=
    stopTimer 1 689
    startTimer 0 625
    BATTLE WARNING: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Msg=Command::instruct Unhandled Instruction:
    (bool) IIU: false
    (utf_string) type: noMoreTraits

    BATTLE WARNING: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Msg=Command::instruct current command queue:

    BATTLE WARNING: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Msg=Battle::run failed due to command error.
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Msg=Received invalid instruction on command com.cardhunter.battle.commands::ResurrectCommand: forced defeat
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=12,Msg=phaselock was defeated

    > clip

    1 skelly in phaselock's team died, phaselock played mass animate, card hangs on screen, log is as shown above. phaselock was disconnected.
  6. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Graveyard gambol

    A game ended when phaselock sat on the vp and got 2 stars, lockphase then killed phaselock's necromancer and got 2 stars as well. phaselock was defeated, score was 2 stars apiece.

    Attached Files:

    • GG1.txt
      File size:
      76.1 KB
  7. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Graveyard Gambol:
    Both necromancers have the same individual name, "Necro", seen when you mouse over their figure and in the battle log. It should use their Display Name instead.

    Wrong attack highlights when you mouse over an attack card:
    It's supposed to show the range around the right skeleton, not the bottom one.

    I hope the info page warns people that the undead aren't worth any points.

    I really wish I could choose the order I move my minions.
  8. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    It would help at least if the minions were numbered according to their movement order. Do we now have to write down in which order they move (when they move for the first time) if we want to play optimally? Do they even move in the same order from turn to turn?

    The Death March map is pretty... interesting. I wonder whether some stone walls will blow the whole thing up. What happens if there are no free squares at all besides the player-occupied ones and a Whirlwind or Whirlwind Enemies is cast?
  9. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    If not numbered, they might be named in alphabetical order.
    I made a run up through the SP side and didn't notice any unusual glitches. I'd hoped the tween fix might stop the "[name] Passed" hang-up at high animspeed, but it's still with us. Maybe it fixed the more important stuff.
    Good question. I know you have whirls, how are you set for stone? :)
  10. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Starting positions are random, but the names are not. This is the order they'll always move in:

    LE Skeletons1: Ulna, Radius, Femur
    LE Zombies1: Zombor, Zombish, Zomboni
    LE Skeletons2: Collar, Tarsal, Carpal
    LE Zombies2: Rot, Putrescence, Atrophy

    I like Reanimate, it's actually useful now. That's because:
    • Target is part of a group, so will (likely) have cards waiting for them.
    • Target isn't worth any points, so even if they're instantly re-killed it's just a wasted spell, not a sudden loss of game.

    I suspect Death Match will be significantly biased towards whoever goes first.
  11. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Good idea, I'll do that. There's no system for numbering minions at the moment.
  12. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Good catches, thanks.
  13. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'll be writing a full explanation of how minions work.

    I deliberately removed the ability to select which minion "instigates" the move, which provided some level of control over ordering (that minion would always move first). Although it does provide slightly more control, I think it slows the game down excessively.

    Hopefully giving the minions alphabetically sorted names that indicate which order they will move in will help somewhat.
    Flaxative likes this.
  14. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    That's intentional and it's true for single character groups too.
  15. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Nice, happens whenever using Mass Renanimate if you only have one dead minion. Fixing now.
  16. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Can't repro this, can you? Are you sure phaselock didn't kill lockphase's necromancer?
  17. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    My bad, seems like the log attached was not the correct game. Sorry... :( I will try to recreate...

    I managed to get a case where victory belonged to the player with lesser stars (see pic below), its not like the case previously posted.


    This pic comes from phaselock's screen. lockphase had 2 stars and phaselock had 3 stars. The entire board was cleared of mobs except for 2 zombies with infected bite in hand. Both zombies were at 8hp. phaselock bite lockphase and vice versa. Discard round came and went. Attachment phase saw phaselock's zombie succumb to the poison first. Hence, phaselock defeated. How should this be resolved ?

    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Event=Action Phase Initiated
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=The active player is now phaselock
    BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Event=PlayAction,Action=Infected Bite,Instigator=Putrescence,Targets=Zombish
    stopTimer 1 396
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Zombish took 6 damage
    startTimer 0 437
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Attaching Infected Bite to Zombish
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=The active player is now lockphase
    BATTLE LOG: Player=lockphase,Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Event=PlayAction,Action=Infected Bite,Instigator=Zombish,Targets=Putrescence
    stopTimer 0 434
    startTimer 1 396
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Putrescence took 6 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Attaching Infected Bite to Putrescence
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=The active player is now phaselock
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=phaselock passed.
    stopTimer 1 388
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=The active player is now lockphase
    startTimer 0 434
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=lockphase passed.
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=All players passed, action phase complete.
    stopTimer 0 433
    startTimer 1 388
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Scoring Phase: initiated
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Discard Phase: initiated
    BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Group=Zombies,Event=Needs to discard a card
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Player=phaselock,PlayerID=48,User=22,Event=SelectCardRequired,ChoiceType=selCardDis,Selections=Bludgeon|Shuffle|Shuffle
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Player=phaselock,Event=SelectCard,Selection=Shuffle
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Group=LE Zombies2,Event=Discard,Card=Shuffle
    stopTimer 1 384
    BATTLE LOG: Player=lockphase,Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Group=Zombies,Event=Needs to discard a card
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Player=lockphase,PlayerID=58,User=23,Event=SelectCardRequired,ChoiceType=selCardDis,Selections=null|Shuffle|Shuffle
    startTimer 0 433
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Player=lockphase,Event=SelectCard,Selection=Shuffle
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Group=LE Zombies1,Event=Discard,Card=Shuffle
    stopTimer 0 431
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Turn Complete
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Starting round 12
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Event=Attachment Phase Initiated
    BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Infected Bite,TriggeringActor=Putrescence,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=StartTurn,TriggerLocation=ActorAttachment
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Putrescence took 3 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Detaching and discarding Infected Bite from Putrescence
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=Putrescence died
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Msg=phaselock was defeated
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Group=LE Zombies2,Event=Discard,Card=Bludgeon
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Group=LE Zombies2,Event=Discard,Card=Shuffle
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle vs lockphase,RoomID=67,Event=GameOver
  18. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    lockphase had 2 stars, phaselock had 2 stars. phaselock won when it wiped all of lockphase units from the board and killed the necro last. I guess lockphase stars don't matter but it would prevent confusion showing phaselock having all stars filled when the final mob was killed.


    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Msg=The active player is now phaselock
    BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Event=PlayAction,Action=Infected Bite,Instigator=Rot,Targets=Necro
    stopTimer 1 529
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Msg=Necro took 6 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Msg=Necro died
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Msg=lockphase was defeated
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Group=LE Necromancer1,Event=Discard,Card=Spear of Darkness
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Group=LE Necromancer1,Event=Discard,Card=Innervate
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Group=LE Necromancer1,Event=Discard,Card=Run
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Group=LE Necromancer1,Event=Discard,Card=Demonic Power
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Group=LE Necromancer1,Event=Discard,Card=Run
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=LG Graveyard Gambol,Room=phaselock's battle (looking for opponent),RoomID=68,Event=GameOver

    > clip
  19. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Ah, OK, what you are seeing is the special case where you win by killing all your opponent's characters even though you haven't scored all four stars. We could score stars in this case, but I think it's probably OK to just win in this case.
  20. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    My feedback from playing the graveyard one is make killing the necromancer worth 4 points as right now whoever rushes mid and just clogs it up quickest has a HUGE advantage. Having them do that but not able to protect their necromancer is a viable strategy as he/she is only worth 2 points while they can easily sit on the VP spot and make it back. Additionally, I'd remove some of the movement cards from the skeletons / zombies -- I went two turns in a row drawing nothing but movement cards while the enemy was on the VP spot.

    Granted, this was only 1 1/2 games so I could be off on my analysis, but just some stuff to consider.

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