Test build 1.23 (preliminary notes)

Discussion in 'Testing' started by j-wiz, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Jon hasn't posted on this yet, so I'll give some updates. (Jon: feel free to edit with anything I missed)

    This build wants a bunch of fundamental testing, since I ended up touching every single database call in the server - from account registration all the way through the game. This pretty much includes every possible activity in the game. The main reason is that we're separating our internal metrics database off to separate hardware from the main game database to help with performance.

    Known issues so far from my tests (for which a 1.24 will come soon):
    - purchasing a starter pack fails.
    - some metrics-related tracking errors (which don't affect gameplay)

    Other changes that I can see in a cursory glance that went into this build (yes there's a lot - apparently we get a whole lot done in a week):
    - Rotated in new MP boards
    - Wizard's Workshop is shorter (down to three battles)
    - Roaches in Morvin's Revenge merged into one group
    - New maps: Forbidden Jungle and Hunters
    - New monsters: Jaguars, Jackal Warriors, Screamers, Creepers, Crocodiles, and Flying Serpents
    - New figures
    - New news page picture
    - New human wizard art
    - Delivery overlay shows a continue button if there's another prompt on screen
    - New base version of the server software
    - Pizza delivery audio
    - Pizza prompt forces out other prompts
    - Reworked card draw tutorial
    - Added audio for basic edition
    - Dice rolls and animated banners affected by animation speed setting
    - Animation speed scales speed linearly
    - Entering campaign resumes adventure instead of going back to the world screen
    - Fixed an early tutorial prompt failing if you resume mid-loot
    - Reworded Gary's campaign opening speech a little
    - Fixes to tutorial state updates
    - Fixed faulty hint for 2nd cockroach battle
    - Added notifications of pizza delivery if the user is offline
    - Don't show the pizza delivery receipt for purchase of the basic edition.
    - Updated the room lists in the lobby. More info on the games in-progress, and a smaller box for casual games waiting for players.
    - Casual games box and active MP games box swapped positions and gave more room to the active games box.
    - New hints for Against the Cockroaches and Wizard's Workshop
    - Item buyback in shops. Items sold to a shop are priced at the sold price until the shop restocks or the sold items are re-purchased.
    - Streams MP board spawn points are now symmetrical.
    - Added a hint to Stafford's Cellar.
    - Updated friend/block backend code to use a new storage mechanism, so we don't have to "friend" somebody before they can be blocked.
    - Disabled blinking lobby tab
    - Fixed some typos in scenario text
    - Fixed incorrect terrain in Black Forest - beech board
    - Fixed missing border on Orc
    - Removed Melvolous the Lich from custom games

    1.24 additions:
    - Add /flip chat command
    - Fixed some metrics tracking calls
    - Fixed starter purchasing
    - Fixed a bug with attempting to track AI battle losses
    - Added Creepers, Screamers, Jaguars, Jackal Warriors, Crocodiles, Magma Vents, and Flying Serpents to monster deck.
    Aldones, Gabbek and Pengw1n like this.
  2. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    Simply amazing! :eek:
  3. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Farbs is checking right now to see if his work on really big maps made it in to this one. If not - well - we have to do a 1.24 on test before any of this goes live. :)
  4. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    I shall start making moar! Dodads are fun. Although I'm insanely surprised how fast you guys react to everything... pure awesomeness!
  5. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Sleep is for the dead! ;)
  6. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    It's pretty sweet to hear that more content is already being worked on alongside the expected performance tweaks and fixes. Looking forward to it!
  7. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Hi, can I get a account resets for phaselock, lockphase and phaselockphase ? Also, may I know the estimated rollout for the major rework ? Thanks.
  8. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I like the new human figures. Shame I can't use the new monsters in custom scenarios.
  9. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Resets are done.
  10. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    I hope they pay you enough so you can mainline coffee
  11. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I just deployed an update with a few early bug-fixes to the last build. The current version on test is now Release 1.24.
  12. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Just fooling around with the early tut:

    Complete Raid on Ommlet, did not open the chest. I clicked return to map instead. Armory unlocks and Gary's prompt "Head to the Armory blah blah blah appears". Click on Armory and viola...amber shards and pickled herring are in inv. I think this is all wai so far.

    Then instead of selling amber shards, I sold my Blunt Sword. It says 2 gold but I cannot buyback cos now the buyback is 25 gold. However, the value under the sword is showing 2 gold and I have 2 gold !


    Now, strangely...I then sold the amber shards for 40...bringing the total to 42 gold, dutifully dragged the axe to my inv for 5 gold and then buying back my sword for 2 gold when I was expecting to get deducted for 25 ! I'm left with 35 gold. I then tested by selling and buying the wooden axe and the same thing is happening. It sells and buys for 1 gold, buyback tooltip is showing 5 gold.

    edit: Missed this little thingy. Complete Raid on Ommlet, did not open the chest. I clicked return to map and clicking on armory triggers the 'Your party is currently adventuring blah blah blah', abandon adventure prompt. wai ? I'm guessing if its the last completed scenario in the adv, then the abandon adv prompt shouldn't appear ?
  13. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Completed white skull canyon, which unlocked the hinterlands keep and Gary telling me to go hire a priest, which I dutifully did. Went to MP lobby, went to MP keep and moved my 3 chars onto the MP clipboard. Clicked Store/Retrieve on first slot and stored MP Party 1, char icons are visible and present. Clicked 'Done' and the Store/retrieve party went away. Then i clicked Store/Retrieve again. Now it shows the Party 1 with the correct timestamp but NO PARTY CHARS at all. If I retrieved it, my MP clipboard empties and it loads an empty MP party.

    Something's off with MP party store/retrieve feature.
  14. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    erm...correction: There is no way of making an MP party ... at least not for me. I go to the Keep, make a party, exit the keep, queued and got a game...it always loads an empty party. Is there new code to disable players from getting into MP early on ? Some prompt/warning would be nice. As it is, its extremely annoying ... even the shops don't show the party so I can't sell/buy stuff w/o having to 'add to party' everytime :p

    edit: on hindsight, it would be mighty simpler to just disable the mp button from login page and the SP map. That is, if indeed, mp is going to be restricted from newbies.
  15. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    I'm detecting a very weird bug with entering and leaving screens in the SP map. Not sure if I described it correctly, would help if another tester could confirm.

    This is what I did:

    Go to Multiplayer lobby, go to campaign, click on the keep, exit the keep, click on the Armory, exit the armory, click on randimar's rarities, exit RR. Then wait and look at my screen.

    After about 40s, the party icon drops onto the keep, then the Armory and then on RR without me doing anything on my end ! :D

    I observed that whenever I exited said areas, the party icon dropped very fast and suddenly decelerated before dropping on the map icon. Not sure if its the camera or the animation itself behaving weirdly.
  16. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I don't think the models are done yet tbh. Also, wouldn't adding them to custom scenarios before we get the adventure sort of defeat the purpose of them being new? I'd like some sort of cap on this for future adventures - that new monsters are out of the scenario rotation for a while.
  17. smeata

    smeata Mushroom Warrior

    If people want to spoil the surprise for themselves then it is their own loss.
  18. Wizard's workshop still says 4 deadly battles in the description although now there are only 3.
  19. Buyback items does not work if the item gets a price increase due to level discrepancies. I.e. I tried to sell a level 18 item from the starter packs, the shop price then gets changed to 1200 gold for my lvl 5 party.
  20. Zoorland

    Zoorland Goblin Champion

    Before you update this to the live server and get super embarrassed from this obvious mistake... because it must be a mistake... you forgot to add several of the enemies to the last battle. >:|

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