Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    I grew to like Riptide, especially in triple duel league or on a lone frontrunner out for mischief.
    Cooldood likes this.
  2. mourir

    mourir Kobold

    Thanks for the advice, that's actually similar to what I was thinking so I feel good about that hahah.

    I've seen some discussion of Nova Axe vs Laser Rapier, I think I'm gonna hold out on Rapier until I can make a better decision and I have more money, although I might regret that hahah.

    Thanks! I actually won the world championship of the game I've played my whole life (Heroclix) and I've been looking for an online game that's similar for a little variety and to keep my positioning sharp because I have no competition locally. Then I saw this on steam and remembered liking it so I thought I'd give it another shot. Thanks for the advice as well.
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Where is the shop restock?
    Merdis and FDrybob like this.
  4. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Or rather when?
    My RR did not restock.
    I forgot to look yesterday so it still has the old items. Any advice?
  5. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    FDrybob likes this.
  6. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

  7. black_wolf

    black_wolf Kobold

  8. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    black_wolf likes this.
  9. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    FDrybob likes this.
  10. 40c_rudy

    40c_rudy Lizardman Priest

    How many Vibrant Pain does one need? I have 3, do i need a fourth?

    P.S. LCD, please don't say 9.
  11. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Cooldood, FDrybob and 40c_rudy like this.
  12. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

    Speaking of Vibrant Pain, I used to have one on my old account, but I've completely forgotten the username and password. Is there any way to recover it with no knowledge of anything but the email?
  13. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Try emailing support@cardhunter.com
    FDrybob likes this.
  14. degensquared

    degensquared War Monkey

    Looks like I've got a few decent items this week after a fairly long dry spell:

    Avakiria's Cup
    Barnum's Burning Bauble
    Darkblood Glaive
    The Bludgeonator
    Twizel's Water Talisman
    Wym's Lavastaff

    Insta-bought my second Wym's Lavastaff but wondering if any of the others are worth purchasing. In particular wondering about Darkblood Glaive and Avakiria's Cup. But probably only have the gold to buy one or the other this week.

    I've got two Skull Of Iljin which I run when I need lots of Savage Curse, but still might be worth it to get the glaive.

    I also like to run burning wizard in certain places in SP where firestorm makes less sense, (first level of CoC, for instance), but I'll need a bunch of legendaries and better staves before I'll be well itemized so not sure it's worth prioritizing.

    Any advice on the dilemma above or better items there I might have overlooked?
  15. Deepweed

    Deepweed Thaumaturge

    Darkblood Glaive is a must buy, in my opinion. Sometimes you want to use the Divine Item slot for items other than Iljin, and Darkblood + Iljin + one other Savage Curse item (possibly another Iljin) puts you at a good Savage Curse card count.

    Avakiria's Cup is a great niche wizard item and is the most cost effective way to get Glob of Flame in terms of tokens. Avakiria's Cup belongs on dedicated fire wizards. It is not as good as Wym's Fiery Bangle if you plan to use it with Rantic's Orb of Inner Fire. If you plan to mix dedicated control with your fire wizard (you do this when your fire wiz has little to no support) then I don't recommend it.

    Twizel's Water Talisman is a niche wizard item. I find myself wanting it when I want to increase Flash Flood count, despite the major token cost. If you don't see yourself playing a terrain/control wizard any time soon then don't buy.

    Of course if you like wizards a lot or want to boost your wizard item collection then niche wizard items become must buys.

    The other items are never worth considering.
  16. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

  17. Deepweed

    Deepweed Thaumaturge

    He said he already bought it, so I didn't include that.
    BlackVoidDeath likes this.
  18. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Grats on the nice RR selection! :)

    I agree with Deepweed. After buying your 2nd Wym's Lavastaff, you should consider getting Darkblood Glaive, since 4x Savage Curse (from two Skull of Iljins) is not that much really. Also gives more flexibility to pack Demon Charm Of The 7th Circles or other buff / support items.
    • Avakiria's Cup is nice burning item, but I think you should get burst / burn staves first. Especially for CoC, I like to run armor removal (and Accelerate Time) in Arcane Items and let the staves do the (burning) damage.
    • Barnum's Burning Bauble: With the exception of Magma Scepter, you don't want Firestorms in your minor token items. Would not purchase.
    • The Bludgeonator: Use Infused Greatclub to scratch that Pulverizing Bludgeon itch. Would not purchase.
    • Twizel's Water Talisman: 2x Flash Flood minor token items are usually enough (and cheaper). Given hypothetical 20k budget, this would've been my 4th pick after Wym's, Darkblood & Avakiria's, but you don't really miss that much.
  19. degensquared

    degensquared War Monkey

    I'm gonna buy Darkblood Glaive later this week. I don't think given my current budget that investing in burning wizard is viable, only to use it for a couple modules in SP.

    As an aside: What staffs do you recommend looking out for? I have been waiting for a Searing Pain to come along but in the meantime I've got:

    2x Staff Of Embers
    2x Roaring Staff
    2x Charring Staff
    1x Staff Of The Fire God
    1x White Flame
    1x Sabo's Flamespit Staff
    1x Tempered Flamestaff
    3x Torching Staff

    What are good combos with the above? I generally run 2xStaff Of Embers or switch one out for Sabo's Flamespit Staff if I'm stacking too many Ember Burst. I've found that White Flame makes me draw too many Instant Burn without attachments on enemies. Any tips on what I can use now to maximize effectiveness? What should I be on the look out for in terms of staffs?

    Thanks, Deepweed & Pawndawan!
  20. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    I wouldn't compare Searing Pain to actual burn staves. Searing Pain is really AoE staff that should be paired by another Searing Pain (or Blue Destruction, if don't know how to spend major token otherwise and/or are afraid of fire-immunity).

    Staff Of Embers is really good burn staff. Given your situation/budget, I'm not sure I'd buy Staff Of A Million Ember / Barnum's Staff, but consider yourself lucky if you happen to loot either of them. :)

    As you said, White Flame can be a little overkill, if you don't pack many Glob Of Flames / Flame Jets on your arcane items. Overheated Staff might be a nice downgrade to get those Instant Burns, but again, not necessarily worth the price tag.

    To get most of your Firestarter wizard (you're running, Focused Pyromancy, right?), you might want to turn your attention to Accelerate Time, Flame Warper being the most suitable item for the task.

    Other route is to get more triggered burning via Volcano / Wall Of Fire. The king of Volcano staves is Mordecai's Staff Of Magma. Don't forget Runestone, especially if you're (mostly) running AoE damage spells.
    Cooldood and Sir Veza like this.

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