Options for playing on a Mac with Big Sur?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Mr. Magnifico, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. Mr. Magnifico

    Mr. Magnifico Thaumaturge

    I used to play CH in my browser, then migrated to Steam when Flash was deprecated. I wanted to take a look around in anticipation of the summer update, but discovered that I can't open the game in Steam because my Mac running Big Sur won't open 32-bit applications. Is there a reasonably non-kludgy way for me to play? (Sorry if this is answered elsewhere: my search fu was not strong enough to find other posts about this issue.)
  2. The best I could think of right off my head, is a Windows or Linux VM with the only purpose to run Steam in it. Though, definitely no nice solution.

    I remember that I read somewhere about Mac + 32-bit + Steam, but I can't recall where it was. But iirc, in the article there was no mainstream solution either. Except for not upgrading to Big Sur.
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.

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