Cannot progress in AotA and the game itself because of treasure hunts

Discussion in 'Support' started by _Pythonix_, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. _Pythonix_

    _Pythonix_ Kobold

    Hello, I just finished the level 7 treasure hunt called Valley of Tezkal in AotA and I have no more pizza, Now I can't progress because Valley of Tezkal unlocked another treasure which I am unable to play as well as unable to buy pizza so I am stuck in the game because of the treasure hunts, both Basic Edition and AotA.

    My login name is SirRichardPythonix

    Richard Jack,
    Yours Truly
  2. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    There are plenty of non-treasure hunt adventures beyond level 7. If you don't see them, try dragging the map around to find one you haven't beaten (will still have the "eyes" in the doorway). If you still don't see any. Try closing and reopening the game and then looking around again.
  3. _Pythonix_

    _Pythonix_ Kobold

    No, I am pretty sure that only a level 7 and 8 treasure hunt is unlocked in AotA, nothing is there but these 2 and the house of artifacts, but in the Basic Edition, I have finished it and now I want to play AotA but can't
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    AotA and the other expansions are premium content, so only the first module is free (except AI which doesn't have a free sample).

    If you've finished the Base adventures (ending with Card Stock II) then you can work on the quests, Mauve Manticores, and Caverns of Chaos.
  5. _Pythonix_

    _Pythonix_ Kobold

    :( Aww, I came back to finish this game and now I find out that the rest is premium content... Well thanks for the help
  6. 00Banshee00

    00Banshee00 Orc Soldier

    Well, there is still multi-player...

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