Beta priest skin missing

Discussion in 'Support' started by Dargenom, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Dargenom

    Dargenom Orc Soldier

    Just checked back after a long break from the game after hearing about the expansion and decided to throw down the money to get all the new skins/levels/etc, and as I was looking through all the new skins I realized the human priest skin I bought during the beta is missing. Did it get removed while I was gone? If so, why?
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Megadestructo and Jayce like this.
  3. Dargenom

    Dargenom Orc Soldier

    Ah okay, cheers! ^^
  4. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    It took me this long to notice mine had gone walkies =D

    Ta for the thread!

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