When we challenge quests, we need to equip certain items such as handicap item. So we can type "handicap" into search bar, and we get all the handicap item we have. Further more, we can click a certain position to get all the handicap item in this position. Now, I need handicap item with "bash" type attrack. Does anyone know how to search? I already try "handicap|bash", but that means "handicap" or "bash", so it gave me all my handicap item and all my items with "bash" type attrack.
AFAIK, there is not a simple way for AND operator. Wiki has a short tutorial: http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Searching_the_Inventory#Using_the_text_search @rinco69 has posted some additional examples: http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/useless-little-tips.10477/#post-127264
Hey ma.xiping, at the moment I'm working on @neoncat's card hunter utilities. As part of this work, I want to create new ones in cooperation with the community. As a coincidence I'm currently working on this exact question (look here for a sneak peek). I won't do any promises regarding the time I'll have a running version ready but end of month sounds realistic. Greetings, Phoenix