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Mar 10, 2022
Jun 8, 2015
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Mar 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
United States of America

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Thaumaturge, Male, 42, from United States of America

Aw, I missed the birthday celebration. $:^ [ Oct 25, 2021

ParodyKnaveBob was last seen:
Mar 10, 2022
    1. ParodyKnaveBob
      Currently listening to that fantastic title screen music while surfin' the Web. $:^ }
    2. ParodyKnaveBob
      Just added a table of linked contents to the first post of The Misadventures of Myx'd Mess'zh--to be continued not too long from now. $:^ J
      1. Gingrich Yurr and Killer74 like this.
    3. ParodyKnaveBob
      Well, I got better, but it's been pretty hard to get my schedule back into order. I haven't looked at my Alerts/Conversations yet, fwiw.
      1. ParodyKnaveBob
        Aaaand looked now. $:^ P
        Apr 29, 2017
    4. ParodyKnaveBob
      Sick again, btw. $:^ \ Even medicating this time, which I never do. ~sigh~ Anyway, that's why I'm missing again.
      1. wereviper and Gingrich Yurr like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. PULSEFIRE
        Feel sorry for you, bro.
        Hope you recover.
        *Psst*I'm also recovering.
        Apr 1, 2017
      4. skulldestroyer
        Get better soon bro, Cardhunter aint the same without you
        Apr 2, 2017
      5. ParodyKnaveBob
        Thanks, folks. Beyond the physical strain, there was much more mental strain than expected, too. (To explain some of the mental strain: When I say I never take medicine, I mean for example a few years ago, I broke my foot and didn't bother with a doctor. No need.) Frankly, I still feel mental strain aftermath, but I figure, eh, I'll see if I can't return to one-chest-per-day starting tonight. $;^ J
        Apr 29, 2017
    5. ParodyKnaveBob
      Sick, btw. I'd love to throw down in ranked, but it's hard to think. Playing more mindless games for now. Like Minesweeper.
      1. Gingrich Yurr
        Gingrich Yurr
        Get well soon
        Mar 16, 2017
      2. wereviper
        Minesweeper you say? Nice pick for a classic! Hope you get better soon!
        Mar 16, 2017
    6. ParodyKnaveBob
      Achievement Unlocked! Prince! 1600! $:^ D
    7. ParodyKnaveBob
      Just picked up a new item from the Loot Fairy. Blue Manchu, you misspelled PaTROLLman's FAIL. Maybe that can be fixed next release. ~nodnod~
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ParodyKnaveBob
        You missed the joke, Gingrich. $;^ J
        (Did you look at its card suite?)
        Nov 28, 2016
      3. ParodyKnaveBob
        P.S. If it were an actual typo, I would've posted it in the real subforum/thread for that instead of my silly status. Heh.
        Nov 28, 2016
      4. Gingrich Yurr
        Gingrich Yurr
        I get it now. Pity, it could have been a decent poor man's Bolg's Big Iron Plate.
        Nov 28, 2016
    8. ParodyKnaveBob
      I find a little sad that Cardo3k is in 800s, but YES!: atm, Melvin's at 673, and Gary's at 1019! $:^ D You show him who's the better GM!
    9. ParodyKnaveBob
      1. wereviper likes this.
      2. wereviper
        Lol that was funny!
        Nov 1, 2016
      3. Lucky Dice
        Lucky Dice
        Huh, a Sal's Song?

        Now you should do a Crazy Sal's song.
        Nov 1, 2016
      4. ParodyKnaveBob
        Thank you, wereviper! $:^ D

        Funny, Lucky... but no ideas for it really, thus no Dice. $;^ b (..are you familiar with the source material btw?)
        Nov 1, 2016
    10. ParodyKnaveBob
      Inbox: 1. Alerts: 70. I'm sloooowly returning. $E^ b
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ParodyKnaveBob
        In short, my DirectX was *so* broken, I couldn't even upgrade to Win10 without a completely new installation. After that, manually remembering / recreating passwords (and tracking which locked accounts lead to which recovery accounts) has been time-consuming, especially amidst the rest of life.
        Oct 24, 2016
      3. ParodyKnaveBob
        ...and ha ha ha, thank ya. $E^ D lol
        Oct 24, 2016
      4. ParodyKnaveBob
        Yaaaaay. I now know why the account(s) I *thought* I'd attached to CH weren't working. Issue moving between Kong->CH sites. Props to @Jon for speedy service and solution!
        Oct 24, 2016
    11. ParodyKnaveBob
      Luke's Iron Hand (have one) and Asmod's Telekinetic Chain (have zero) in RR, but no gold or playtime! Erp! $:^ P
      1. ParodyKnaveBob
        Oh, *and* Reality Warper (have one) and White Flame (have zero). Witw! $8^ ,
        Jul 24, 2016
    12. ParodyKnaveBob
      Even in CAMPAIGN I get destroyed by the timer. I really, REALLY hate losing to timer sometimes. And I mean HATE. (Yay, fixing AT crash bug.)
      1. ParodyKnaveBob
        "Well, computer's still updating. Says I'm safe to do other things. Hey, why don't I chase the fairy. Not like I've been playing lately." ALMOST won the last battle. But almost doesn't get me that ever-so-slightly upgraded loot. Great way to waste an hour (so it felt anyway) and lose any semblance of fun I had. $|^ [
        Jul 14, 2016
      2. ParodyKnaveBob
        Well, I see where I went wrong. $:^ | Jon's announcement I read as US ET 12am (instead of US PT 12am, US ET 3am), thus when I woke up sometime around 1-2 and loaded up the game, a little surprised to see the update was finished already, I went for it. $:^ |
        Jul 14, 2016
    13. ParodyKnaveBob
      O, the irony. After a year of playing, Randimar offers me my first Skull of Savage Illjin on the brink of nerfs. $F^ ,
      1. 40c_rudy, timeracers and Wandere like this.
      2. timeracers
        Or buffs? Ok, it was too strong but hey you can use it as a curse now.
        Jun 19, 2016
      3. Kalin
        I know how you feel. I was offered my first Vibrant Pain after its nerf.
        Jun 19, 2016
    14. ParodyKnaveBob
      First time reaching Nightmare Nodes! (Haven't played Caverns much.) Beat Rock Traps, Trolls, and Trees no problem...
      1. visak13 likes this.
      2. ParodyKnaveBob
        ...then lost to Wisps, Saplings, and Rad Spiders. $F^ } Lol.
        May 9, 2016
      3. WexMajor
        My favourite nightmare node is the one that looks like a volcano. Unppassable terrain without blockers, so no cover. Add some sentry bot for a 3 turns game over.
        May 9, 2016
      4. ParodyKnaveBob
        ~nod~ Ouch. ... The Tr'enemy Trio was in a replicated final map of Riddle of the Gnome Lords; I had a dwarf wiz and elf wiz, plus ... some sort of warrior, I believe; elf wiz was last to live. $E^ } Then, the piddly things were on I-guess-some-kind-of Mind Flenser board? Bridges everywhere. Which, you reminded me! There was also a Mind Flenser there, but my warriors sought out that sucka first thing.
        May 9, 2016
    15. Lucky Dice
      1. ParodyKnaveBob
        Plenty of interesting stuff, some great to listen to, but I unfortunately didn't recognize enough of the source material to fully appreciate whatcha did there. $:^ J
        May 9, 2016
    16. ParodyKnaveBob
      I didn't intend to post all these suggestions at once, but it's nice to finally get a lot of these older ideas off my chest!
    17. ParodyKnaveBob
      So, I just now beat MM13's first scenario. This third attempt only took 43 rounds. ~nodnod~
    18. ParodyKnaveBob
      Randimar used to offer awesome stuff. Then, multiple months straight went by of nothing I'd buy. Now, check out the list *this* week! $8^ o
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pawndawan
        Skull of Savage Iljin should be your first pick. For your other legendary pick, choose between Wym's (if you run lvl 6 - 8+ campaign adventures regularly) or The Strongarm (if you play MP more than SP). Start running lvls 2 - 6 regularly and you should have Staff of the Misanthrope quite quickly, for a leg anyway.
        Feb 15, 2016
      3. ParodyKnaveBob
        *Uuugghhh.* Already said this in chat just now, but figured it warranted an update here, too. I decided on Iljin for sure and hadn't had the time to really weigh the other legendary I'd get, but then time ran out before I ever got back to that --
        Feb 20, 2016
      4. ParodyKnaveBob
        and to make it worse, today I left my computer on all day and thus should've been able to accidentally have Randimar's previous selection still open to me, but I also left the thing unplugged all day, thus I exited Cardhuntria mere minutes after I left my place. ~sigh~ No Iljin, no second-awesome-legendary. $:^ \ Thanks, folks, for the advice, nevertheless... ~shaking head~
        Feb 20, 2016
    19. ParodyKnaveBob
      I sometimes wonder how harsh the GMs would become if Jon gave them, "if (is_attached(nimbus)) { stop_attacking_like_a_lunatic(); }" ~nodnod~
      1. timeracers, Krunail, visak13 and 3 others like this.
    20. ParodyKnaveBob
      Okidoky. Re-enabling game chat. (I suppose if I -really- feel the need in the future, I can use the block feature more liberally...)
      1. ParodyKnaveBob
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  • About

    Mar 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
    United States of America
    Christian, former atheist. (I was convinced by logic – not by some "supernatural experience" delusion.)

    I enjoy playing great and good games; I appreciate studying mediocre and bad games.

    I am but a humble Slytherin.


    Brandon W. Horton