I was designing a new map that involves Mind Munchers. I think I ended a turn while two ennemy minions of the same group were affected by Mind Munch. The game froze, so I restarted it. Now, when i log in, I have a message stating that I have a MP battle in progress. If I click rejoin I have a (probably) endless loading screen. If I do not rejoin, I can play normally exept it seems I cannot start casual games against the AI. I can play solo, I have been able to start a casual game against a player. When I try to play against AI, however, I stay on the MP screen with the casual-game hands shaking, with the message "Waiting... Click to cancel". Could someone please help me? Account name is Fanturluche too (I will try to stick to non-minions for my map)
I just did a test about this and the game did freeze and I refreshed and tried to rejoin which was a endless loading screen and then tried to refresh again and couldn't get past the "Logged in as timeracers" stage. Server is down. I think following these steps caused the crash.
I was able to reproduce this on the test server. I'm guessing it's because the minion group is trying to discard down to -2 cards.
After the reset, I can play against AI again. I still think I'll wait for a fix before I work with Mind Munchers again. Sorry if that caused the crash
I'd much appreciate it if you could check this out again on the test server. http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/test-build-3-84-0-19-oct-2015.8319/