Wolfpack (no legends)

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by c4rnivean, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. c4rnivean

    c4rnivean Orc Soldier

    Werewolf form is somewhat OP. It can be countered by silver, so I included a couple of badges and made them fast enough that it can be a race to draw silver.

    3x Human Warrior
    Howling Pain
    Howling Pain
    Talissa's Trident
    Black Cat Buckler
    Chapeau Of The Afflicted Artist
    Healthy Sentry Boots
    Vigilante's Coat OR Recruit's Coat OR Perilous Ringmail
    Subtle Positioning
    Howling Lycanthropy

    I can't actually try this build because I don't have the new items yet. So this is still theory. Anyone want to try it and see if it needs team moves? Well, I wanted to see some discussion because not many builds have been posted in the 2 months since CM.

    Like many players, I have most of the old legends and no good new legends. Yes Final Sword/Vow is very OP, but I don't have it and won't have it until they make it a DD (and they will not whitelist it for DD until they nerf Vengeance anyway) whereas the epics I actually might have in a few months.

    Arrogant Armor is questionable with these good traits, so alternate armors can be discussed. 2 Talissa's and... Rageblood? might also be worth considering.

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