Which race should be next?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DarkDain, Nov 4, 2012.


What Race would you like to see next?

  1. Orc

  2. Half-Ling

  3. Another Dwarf

  4. Gnome

  5. Something Draconic

  6. Undead

  7. Something less classical

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Kinetic

    Kinetic Kobold

    Berserking Gnome Warrior >
  2. Kaerius

    Kaerius Orc Soldier

    Halflings are usually depicted as robust, not frail... Often with constitution bonuses. But I like Necrometzer's idea of dwarf movement, human hp, but ignore threat zones for movement, ie always free move, or at least make their default move card scuttle(and further, it would be rather suitable to have wimpy as a common drawback card for their racial skills, and also it would be fitting if they have skill lines with ranged attacks, halflings are known for their stone throwing).
  3. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    I voted for halflings, mostly because I'd love to see the art for them.

    I was already very impressed by the current figure art, especially the female dwarves were a positive surprise!
  4. tangmcgame

    tangmcgame Mushroom Warrior

    New races could also get racial cards other than movement, with all the associated pros and cons (having no guaranteed movement can be problematic). For instance:

    Construct/Golem - High hp, Armor racial card

    Orc - Moderate hp, Attack or Charge racial card

    Gnome - Low hp, Dodge racial card
  5. Neksis

    Neksis Kobold

    I'd like to see something that isn't a variation of humans.
    Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes are all just skinnier, fatter, and/or shorter humans in my book.

    I'd like to see more stuff like Lizardmen, Orcs, Goblins, Gnolls, etc. Especially Lizardmen.
  6. tangmcgame

    tangmcgame Mushroom Warrior


    I can get behind that mentality, though. Mix it up a little.
  7. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Lots of these are already in the game, although on the opposing side. Would be kind of fun with an "evil" campaign were you kill pansy elves, stinky dwarves and stoopid humans - because I don't think those races would fit in with the current "good" ones. Then again, we don't know if Cardhuntria actually has nice lizardmen as well as bad ones - maybe it does?
  8. Kaerius

    Kaerius Orc Soldier

    Trolls! Or maybe half-trolls.
    Pictsies! (And don't you dare call them pixies, or they'll heidbutt ya scunner).

    Btw I really like the idea of a separate "evil" campaign.
  9. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    Well, as I stated before, I've voted for undeads. I'm hoping for their implementation to the game some time later really. I just love them. Undeads from WoW were just like me irl :p (if I think about it, it explains why I played undead warlock in WoW..)

    Oh, and while they are basically animated rotting flesh, we can say for sure they are enviroment friendly, it's just a way of recycling.

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