What feature are you impatiently waiting for? What features are you sad about never seeing?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Lawrence, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I'm waiting for a COOP mode. It would be great if there was a whole other campaign to play with a friend. It would be bigger and badder than the current one.

    I'm also against trading/selling items. When I get a new item it is exciting to see if I can use it with other items I haven't been using. My priest has gone from a chopping AOE dmg dealer, to a fun quick healer, to now a health draining melee crazy person. That progression is fun to me and it only happens through my natural loot progression. With an auction house that is lost. You end up bypassing those 'not-so-efficient' experimental builds for those proven to be best. Case in point is Diablo III. Whenever something got too hard you never got drops to help you out. If you had a certain build with certain abilities going you wanted specific items. You were forced to go to the AH to buy gear so you could progress. That was not fun. It was "go to the AH to win" instead of "figure out the puzzle on how to beat these enemies with what I have". Which is what cardhunter is all about.

    There's nothing more rewarding than over the course of a match losing two of my party and having that last one pull out the victory. And I know I did it all on my own with what I earned. That's the strength of this game.
  2. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    An expanded version of the Custom Map Editor that allows the creation of complete modules, along with introduction and aftermath text. I think that would be pretty cool. Maybe along with delayed spawns of enemies and interactive tiles on the board.
  3. Gentlecow

    Gentlecow Orc Soldier

    As most people have said already, I would very much like to see coop game modes.

    One thing that is very related but few have mentioned: I would also like to see team PvP / arena style games. Perhaps even a 3-player FFA mode.

    Also, making the GM playable seems like a fun addition.

    New classes, I can totally wait for that (although I look forward to the rogue). And new cards I would like, but I see no need for further rarity.

    One minor feature that would help me a lot: Adding a button to "send all items from character to stash".
  4. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    That is what blocking terrain and larger movement cards are for.

    Pvp should be more combat oriented then defending victory squares as in many cases not to mention if the maps are random you will never use just wizards for the group.
  5. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    One person will have superior mobility or control, so no, that's not what larger movement or blocking terrain is for. Without victory points, the fight is inherently lopsided.
  6. Britannicus

    Britannicus Kobold

    I would never want to see an auction house, but I would like to be able to trade with my friends. I kinda wonder if they could implement something like "guilds", especially once/if co-op comes into the game. Then they could offer/sell guild storage, and you could pool some of your items with your guildmates. Perhaps the items could become bound to the guild, instead of the specific player, if player to player trade is wholly undesireable.
  7. Kawaiido

    Kawaiido Kobold

    Where in that comment did I say I wanted an auction house? I want to have the ability to get the item I want without the Random Number Generator deciding to screw me over and getting its jollies from it. I can see perhaps the first 20 or so times it not wanting to drop but beyond that its flat out sadistic and not everyone tolerance for bullcrap is the same. Eventually, that person is going to get frustrated and could at best just give up on the gear or at worse see this happen with yet another item and just stop playing, especially if the mission was incredibly brutal and you get everything but the one thing you wanted.

    Its like crawling through electrified barbed wire to get at your favorite dessert, being bloody, frustrated and annoyed, only to bite into it, thinking it was all worthwhile and then finding it filled with the most vile thing you can think of when you take the first bite. Its MOCKING YOU, saying the stuff you went through amounted to NOTHING!

    The first Legendary I got, after being stuck on this one Level 7 quest for a few days...? A WIG!? A FLIPING WIG! A WIG THAT WAS NOT A USEABLE ITEM! A TREASURE! Yes, it was worth 1k Gold but after putting up with all the Trog Armor and getting filled with pikes for DAYS ON END, THAT WAS MY REARD FOR MY SUFFERING!
  8. Leondus

    Leondus Kobold

    New features
    -New classes would be cool like rogues and archers (rangers)
    -Generic healing for all classes, like item called healing pouch/stone with 3 low level heals or 2 low and 1 med level.
    - A few randomized adventure nodes, I don't know if it could be coded into the game but it would be a blast and keep the replay value high, something with like 2-4 maps and encounters. Could it be orcs, undead, goblins :)
  9. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    co-op for sure! Got a few friends that I could interest in the game but need a bit of a push ;)

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