Throne of Stench

Discussion in 'Adventure Discussion and Strategy' started by SlayerGrim, May 19, 2014.

  1. SlayerGrim

    SlayerGrim Kobold

    is bull$h!t. It makes me want to never play this game again with these extremely cheap mechanics of those armored bastards. Yes I know I have to attack them from behind or use penetration. It is still tedious, un-fun, and makes me stop playing the game. Screw this map.
  2. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Pengw1n likes this.
  3. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Or high damage with frenzy and team moves. But the map is a grind, especially the first time. Grind out a level or two on 5 and 6, and if you still hate it, skip it and move on. (No Mauve manticore, but they're usually pretty hard too.)
  4. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    The last map there... I hated it A LOT some time ago. Lost there often and once took me 36 (!) rounds to finish it, chasing after the stupid wizard :p
    But equiping the priest with Mass Frenzy and warriors with step attacks and stabs has made it quite easy :)
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Thanks. While it's feedback - it's strictly related to a specific adventure. So I'll stick it here for now.
  6. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    Remember that if you're going with penetration, bring some protection too. Those trogs can deal out a pretty good chunk of damage with strong stabs, and armor can help you last longer.

    Crude Plates are terrible, and we all agree. HOWEVER, it's a tad less common in their decks then you'd think. On the first turn, they don't always have any. Hit them hard while you can, it'll help out a good bit. Even better, if it's the first mission, you can restart for free until you get good attacks and they're caught with their pants down.

    Changing up the party can always help. Level up, maybe swap out the priest for another warrior or wizard, maybe swap out the priest's healing for card draw, whatever! Keep trying new things, and see what happens.

    Once you take out the gougers on the last mission (and you should go for them first), stall for time until your wizard can draw Resistant Hide. Strench only has sparks as attacks, and if he can't kill one guy, then you've got it in that bag. Strench is also a total coward, so you can push him out of/into LoS of your wizard with ease.

    Trogsbane, trogsbane, trogsbane. You probably won't have it now, but if you get it, it'll make life a LOT easier if you do it again. Puncturing, stabs, puncturing stabs, the only thing that could make it a better trog killer is shredding strike.
  7. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Trogsbane is a guaranteed drop from Diamonds of the Kobolds. You might also want to pick up a Trog Melter from the free AotA adventure Valley of Tezkal.
  8. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    You can also get Woodhome's Wound from the first treasure hunt. But yeah, overall the adventure is pretty tricky without the right items... you need whatever you have! I found Shiny Blade and Heirloom Assegai to be decent common warrior weapons.
    Never mind that though.
    More to the point, you don't even have to beat Throne of Strench to progress. I understand you are frustrated, but your venting is not helpful and just plain wrong.
  9. Karstedt

    Karstedt Goblin Champion

    Positioning is key against trogs. Make them come to you so you don't waste moves only to have them step back or get pushed back because of armor. if you can run them out of moves, terrain is good, it has high enough damage to get past armor and if it's acid it will eat the armor.

    On that particular map, Strench will pretty pretty much dance about in his hidey hole. So if you just stay out of range or behind cover at the start until you kill the gougers, the only thing he can hit you with is arcing spark, which he doesn't usually have a lot of and are pretty negligible if you have armor. I always hang back out of range until I can get the gougers positioned for an easy kill so I can have my whole team to get Strench from both sides.

    Use their armor against them if they aren't where you want, any damage will push them back to give you longer to get the cards/position you need. I often stick flame attacks on one just to keep him out of position.

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