The Legend of Dev Diary: The Diary Begins

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Sir Knight, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. Rising Zan

    Rising Zan Mushroom Warrior

    Oh God it's Taric! Book it!
  2. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Whoa, whoa! You obviously have yet to brave a Pink Castle of Doom!


    Pink Castles of Doom are not to be taken lightly.
  3. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    So I can't use this guy?

  4. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior

    Woahhh that looks definatly scary :p
  5. secran

    secran Mushroom Warrior

    See now, we're just giving them ideas for a horrible April fools module, "Journey to Mount Cuddledeath!" In which all the monsters are horrible stuffed animal constructs, overpriced jewelry mimics, or the undead minions known as 'register jockeys'.
  6. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    I'm OK with the last part, at least Zombie shop-girls will pay you some notice, unlike the 'real' ones. :D
    secran likes this.
  7. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    And the final boss is the High Priestess of Dread Cutethulhu, Scion of Snug-Gigglerath, Consort of N'tse-Kawaii and Most Favored of Chibizghuth.

    (Stolen from Joe England.)
    secran likes this.
  8. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior

    secran likes this.
  9. secran

    secran Mushroom Warrior

    Congrats to Sir Knight on the shout out. I like how they have race based standard move cards (henceforth refered to as smc), but having that makes me wonder about discard effects.

    If they are in the game they'd have to exclude 'smc's. Ex: wizard in the back row, keep trying to make him discard his powerful spells, keeps throwing away his smc instead.

    I also found it interesting that you could move diagonally through doorways and other narrow spaces.
  10. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Yes, but there is a fine line between a "shout out" and a "call out." I will have to take care not to be exceedingly interesting.

    I don't have much opinion on the "diagonal" question, as it's one that has been rehashed many times in such games. I get a slight Maul of America feel from easy diagonal movement, but that's just my personal experience. And it's not a bad thing.

    I too want to know what is up with discard effects.
    secran likes this.
  11. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Should I edit my previous post to include new thoughts, or is double-posting okay? I don't know if editing would erase that precious "like" . . .

    I want to bring up the "Scamper" card, which apparently means free movement for elves to dash by enemies without stopping. If you're going to give a rule-changing ability by default, the other races darn well better have other advantages.
    secran likes this.
  12. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Doesn't say you can go through a ZoC unaffected using scamper, I am presuming that 'free movement' has to follow the same rules as drawn cards. Will there be 'fire of opportunity' for the big bad to get some blows in as you scamper past?
    secran likes this.
  13. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    It is very dangerous to post on a forum while I'm still here. I tend to . . . reply.
    It says this much: "elves get the extremely useful Scamper card, which means you don’t have to stop when you move next to an enemy," and that was all I meant, really. It's an advantage that allows one race, and no other (yet known), to change the rules of play. Though we do still get to wonder whether there will be . . .
    secran likes this.
  14. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Me too!

    The thing about Scamper is that it works just like the 3 point 'Escaping Run'. Sir Tristan can potentially run straight past that Kobold as shown in the diagram. I'd expect that he'd have to jink diagonally right as move one, then continue to avoid the 'Stop When Next To An Enemy' rule. As it is, he goes through 3 squares worth of ZoC without penalty. If he has a 'free move' card in hand too, he could avoid him completely, especially if poor Kobold only has 1 or 2 movement points.


    Edit: Made picture smaller
    secran likes this.
  15. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    im crossin my fingers for no "Stop when enemy" rules. That kinda thing made D&D movement a pain in the ass cause you cant walk near, by, or away from them in fear of opportunity attacks
    secran likes this.
  16. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Ooh, goodness, I love those! Ever played the Pool of Radiance computer games in the 80's/90's, or others in that style? Making the enemies butcher themselves against your ranks is very satisfying. If Card Hunter has you stop when you go near the enemy then it wouldn't be that extreme, so hopefully you wouldn't find it annoying. I can't say I'd dislike something of the sort, because, to me, it's yet another of the standard ways to design character movement: some games do this, some don't. I play 'em all.
    Either you're misunderstanding something or I am. That diagram shows how someone using Escaping Run is obliged to stop the instant he/she steps near the Kobold. Scamper does not work like it. If we re-drew the diagram to accommodate Scamper, there would be blue dots in all eight squares around the Kobold, plus in the two "doorway" squares behind it.

    It sounds sorta-kinda like you draw that same conclusion by the time you're done. If so, I don't know what extra message you're trying to convey.
    secran likes this.
  17. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Well in different situations i can see it being beneficial, but the problem is more likely then not, your party is the ones who have to move towards your enemies who are on the defensive. If im tryin to position myself in a better situation against defensive enemies its more frustration when one enemy is at the door and I'm trying to get 5 members past him cause hes small fry, poking all my allies. If the situation is flipped and we are on the defensive with one guy (prolly the tank) standing in the door way for 5 enemies, then it just becomes ridiculous cause that's a lot of damage going out too fast for someone who isn't even attacking yet.

    Thats just how i feel about that sort of thing, free damage usually isnt a good thing to balance around unless there are a lot of options for pushing or crowd controls. Speaking of Pushing, has anyone confirmed yet if players will be able to force their enemies into different squares?
    secran likes this.
  18. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Okay, infinite free attacks do get ridiculous. "I spend five movement points on my turn, then I pass control to the enemy, then I . . . hit twenty different enemies for free." A designer could resolve this by limiting people to one free attack total; including risk with the opportunity (Space Hulk gun jams); or requiring preparation (X-COM reserved action points).

    Perhaps, in Card Hunter, there could be zero opportunity attacks by default, but "opportunity cards" that you prep the turn before as a trap for advancing foes. "Set versus charge," anyone?

    And I don't know anything official about push abilities.
    secran likes this.
  19. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    I was actually thinking about opportunity cards being a good idea. Reminds me a little of Metal Gear Ac!d where you had to prep your weapons and slot them, or maybe lay a claymore, fire a nikida missle.

    I think cards prepping for actions are fine, just as long as they are not free actions all the time, if you have a card that says "Use, when enemy moves adjacent to you, you deal damage" im ok with that as long as it expended the card and was used once.

    damn now i cant stop thinking about metal gear ac!d, brb imma go have myself a little session
    secran likes this.
  20. secran

    secran Mushroom Warrior

    I think it would be interesting if there were specific cards that are underpowered when used as a normal attack action, and are 'just right' when used as an opportunity attack. Ex: "do i want to dish the extra one/two points of damage, or do I want to hope the kobold tries to rush past me to gank my cleric and deal him four instead?"

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