The Daily Deal

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Fry_The_Guy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Impenetrable Nimbus is the second most played priest spell. There are builds that devote entire priests to it. Do not go into multiplayer without at least a game plan against it. You will face it at some point.
    Stexe, Sir Veza and doog37 like this.
  2. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I was thinking something similar, although the meta changes daily it seems. For example in the last 3 days I have faced almost all 2 warrior 1 priest teams (with varying levels of nimbus) after weeks wizard heavy teams. I know the map change pushes some of that, but it really is hard to keep up.

    With that said I think Nimbus is very popular right now making Purging Burst a must of you have a priest. Nothing like having a nimbused Elf warrior running up to you, and then you purge off his nimbus and beat him down.
  3. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Daily you play at most a couple dozen different players, right? :p
  4. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    3-7 a night, which is a small sample size fer sure, but BUT it only SEEMS like the meta changes daily.
    Flaxative likes this.
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I use Bertha all the time in my Firestorm builds, and would happily use three if I had them, and I've been looking for St. Olf for ages...
    Whelp, there goes some of the cash I was saving for the Christmas items.
  7. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

  8. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

  9. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Demigod's Hammer
    Controlled Overswing is bad. A controversial statement, I know. If it's the last card in your hand there is no drawback but there are few times that you won't have armor, blocks, or magic spells that you'll want to save for later. Waiting a turn to get healed from Soothing Darkness when you need it immediately is also bad. If you want high damage attacks and heals on your divine weapon there are many better options.

    Um, you can pretend to be a demigod with it I guess.

    Peon's prescription for prodigious players- Would not purchase this. If you really want to handicap yourself with Controlled Overswings, at least do it with some class using the stylish Sugar Rage.

    Glinting Eye Hammer (C) (majortoken)(majortoken), Healing Hand Mace (E) (majortoken)(majortoken)

    Atlatl Of Zuma
    St. Glist's Charm
    Trained Toughness
  10. Ector

    Ector Hydra

  11. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Vinorkin's Cuirass
    Arrogant Armor has two uses. The obvious main use is to counter enemy attachments. With frost wizards seeing so little play you really only need to worry about burning wizards. Arrogant Armor is good against burning attacks but Reliable Mail does a similar job since burns do a maximum of 3 damage. The other reason to play Arrogant Armor is take advantage of items with bad traits. Cards like Vulnerable and Large Weapon will fall right off and you get to have all the perks of a smaller deck. It is dangerous to rely on Arrogant Armor this way though. You can have at most 2-3 of them in your deck and if you don't draw a copy before seeing the bad traits you will be in a world of hurt. The biggest downside of Arrogant Armor is the inability to stick beneficial traits and buffs. If you do run Arrogant Armor, be sure your warrior can function without them.

    Arrogant Armor is a great tool for combating enemy attachments but you will have to settle for unbuffed base damage attacks. It is best used against encumber and halt effects where buffed attacks can't hit out of range mobs. However, if the attachments in question are damage based like Infected Bite it is often correct to race them with buffs like Mass Frenzy or Impenetrable Nimbus.

    Peon's prescription for prodigious players- If you expect to regularly face encumber effects or want to build around items with bad traits, Arrogant Armor is exceptional. If your warrior needs buffs to operate on the other hand, try to find a more suitable solution. Would get Vinorkin's Cuirass only if you can't afford a major token and you want to avoid the encumber from Heavy Armor on Impervious Panoply.

    Impervious Panoply (E) (minortoken). Emperor's Plate (E) (majortoken)
    Plates Of Ixicha (E) (minortoken)- Only has one copy of Arrogant Armor but Reliable Mail combats burning cards and Quickness Aura negates most encumber cards.

    Ixtili Amulet- Good in a heavy Illusory Barrier deck. Not as good solo.
    Robe Of Useful Things
    Spitting Flames
  12. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

  13. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    For substitutes I wanted to limit to cheaper options for people low on gold but I probably should have mentioned it somewhere.
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

  15. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Wym's Fiery Bangle
    Any of the legendary items with Glob Of Flame and/or Flame Jet are great. They are essential for Firestarter and Instant Burn builds and have the highest damage attacks on arcane items in general. Just make sure you balance out the Glob of Flame and Flame Jet ratio. Too much of either will rot in your hand while you wait for burning attachments to wear off.

    Not as efficient as Firestorm but a heck of a lot safer. If you don't mind going through modules slower, items like Wym's Fiery Bangle are great for beating down with wizards. You likely won't have to worry about spell ratios either since there will be more than enough targets in most adventures.

    Peon's prescription for prodigious players- Would purchase if your wizard wants more attacks and won't be overloaded on Flame Jets.

    None, burning wizards aren't for cheapos.

    Battered Holy Mail
    Madman's Maul
    Red Shaman's Blade
    Magic Elves and Bandreus like this.
  16. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Og's Boots Of Peril
    Let's look at the armors that go best with Enchanted Harness.
    From a damage prevention standpoint you are going to be better off with Enchanted Harness over Reliable Mail when you pair it with high armor value armors. If you are mostly using low quality armor from tokenless items like Mail there is not much point in using Enchanted Harness. Enchanted Harness also helps armors that have beneficial secondary triggers. If you want Barbed Platemail, Holy Armor, and Spiked Mail to trigger more often for their added effects then Enchanted Harness is your best option. Of these, Barbed Platemail is the most common to deter melee attacks and deal some extra damage. Enchanted Harness is also more useful the more Officer's Harnesses you have as those don't count towards hand size.

    Gary is one badass mofo. No amount of Barbed Platemail and Enchanted Harness action will deter his attacks. However, getting incidental damage in and boosting damage prevention is great, especially for priests who can't use helmets for harnesses.

    Peon's prescription for prodigious players- Og's Boots of Peril is one of the few ways to boost armor rolls on non-warriors. However, if damage prevention is your primary goal, try to get more armored boots. Would not purchase it unless you want Enchanted Harness but do not have a major token for Nasrum's Moccasins.

    None for improving armor rolls.
    Bertha's Big Clogs (E), Heavy Dashing Boots (R) (minortoken), Kerrick's Steel Boots (E) (minortoken), Mithril Mesh Slippers (E) (minortoken): Reliable Mail

    Ephriam's Crazy Boots
    Frennik's Soulstone
    Petochl's Sword- Solid weapon.

    Thanks to PDXTai for the correction. I had a feeling something was off but couldn't put my finger on it.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  17. PDXTai

    PDXTai Ogre

    I think you might be using an armor value of 1 for enchanted harness instead of two or forgetting that the harness improves its own roll. For Enchanted Mail I get:
    5 armor * 5/6 trigger = 4.17 expected value
    For Enchanted harness:
    2 armor * 4/6 trigger = 1.33 expected value
    Total 4.17 + 1.33 = 5.50

    Barbed gives 4 * 5/6 + 1.33 = 4.67

    If you are facing lots of 1 or 2 damage attacks, such as from burns, the reliable mail could be better as it always triggers.
    peonprop likes this.
  18. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Yup, made mistakes, will fix.
    PDXTai likes this.
  19. PDXTai

    PDXTai Ogre

    I think there should be a caveat here that while enchanted harness works well with barbed/enchanted/grounding armors, it's a hard combo to land since you can only get one of those armors in a deck. Adding more harnesses gives diminishing returns since most armors trigger on a 4+.

    In general, I feel like armor is best against wizards and vampire priests who do lots of low damage numbers. Warriors packing OB and all out attack don't care about armor. In both cases, movement is usually a better counter than more armor.
  20. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

    and blocks as well.

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