The Daily Deal

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Fry_The_Guy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    As I've said, it will be much easier to get the weapons in the future than the skill, since the skill is unique and the weapons aren't. Basher is much worse since bashing attacks are currently underpowered, and this ruins the whole idea. It also pumps only two attacks of Riptide.
    Surely I would. I like to have a dream of a good build, and I hate to have no items needed to build something. If you have 16+ crushing attacks, 3 Crushers will pump your damage per turn much more than one Crusher and two mediocre attacks without tech.

    Yes, this is the right approach, but, again, chances to get the weapons are much higher than the chances to get Focused Crushing, since there are several good crushing weapons. Plus, playing a warrior with a lot of attacks and high damage output is much easier for a new player than playing any other build.

    I want to ask a silly question to everyone: if you doubt so much in Focused Crushing, why did you proclaim White Flame a no-brainer? Just because it's a weapon? But it really requires tons of Legendary items to be effective! Staff of Million Embers, Miligar's Dragon Tongue, Wym's stuff, Avakiria's Cup, Azgul's Orb - all these are legendaries, and they are very hard to replace. Why didn't you advice the new players to spend their gold on something else until they collect enough good burning items? :)
  2. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    Crushing is definitely playable in mp. Maybe not in insta-buy realm for most but it does allow some very good synergy with certain blunt attack weapons. Not too mention the trait cycling is fantastic.
  3. Happenstance

    Happenstance Thaumaturge

    My problem with Crusher is, if you're running it on elf/dwarf fighters: how does it rank in the three effect attachment limit per character?

    So the question I'm asking: rank Crusher, elf/dwarf racial (Blind Rage/Slippery etc., or your favourite racial), Martyr's Blessing, Mass Frenzy, Nimbus. That's five attachments already, most lasting 2-3 turns, and you only have space for three. Plus you're going to have things bumped off by enemy attachments.

    My point is, if you think that Crusher ranks inside the top three of those five, then it's worth the price. If you don't, then you're overloading a character with attachments which are just going to replace one another.
  4. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Instant Burn is an unique effect. If Focused Healer were legendary, I could see an argument for purchasing it because there is nothing else that does adds cantrip to attacks. The damage boosting Focused Crushing provides can be obtained through other means.
  5. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Exactly. Like why would people buy The Bludgeonator when it just does extra damage? Because it's cool? That doesn't make it a good buy.

    Same thing with Hand of Melvelous, and a handful of other leg. items that deal a little more damage but don't do much more than that.
  6. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I don't think so, if you consider that Vitos' build has Blind Rages as well. No other martial skill will provide that damage boost. Just wondering: do you consider Raging Battler an instant buy then? Just because it's tokenless?
    Because it's better. People like to play the best items, and that's logical for MP, even if the items are just slightly better.

    Anyway, the new Deal is here!

    Bynzer's Black Spear. Why spending 2500 gold on the best vampire weapon in the game? :) Save the gold for something that would be Officially Approved by the Good Players (tm). Buy a Vampire's Blade instead, it's cheaper!
    OK, enough pranks. It's my 2nd Spear, and still an instant buy for me, since I'm going to build a team of three vampire priests. If you don't have one, consider buying it.

    Aataabulous' Boots. Toooo baaaad fooor aaa yeeelooow toooken.
    Axe Of Evasion. Two blocks aren't very good, alas.
    Xander's Boots. I have one pair but didn't use it yet. Still, these have some potential.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2014
    Stexe likes this.
  7. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    No other martial skill will but you can boost damage through armors like Frenzy Aura and priest buffs. That is only if you think buffing 2 damage on top of the usual Blind Rage and Mass Frenzy is essential to the build. If the much cheaper Advanced Ferocity didn't exist I would consider it an instant buy for a totally different reason. I would buy it not because the cards are irreplaceable but because every other tokenless dwarf skill stinks.
    Are we still talking to new players? They do not have the luxury of purchasing everything that catches their fancy. Damage boosting skills are lower priority. If you want to win games through killing things you need to prioritize attacks above everything else. It is easier to win games with great weapons and serviceable skills than the other way around. If you want to craft the perfect build to sit there and do nothing then by all means, buy the hard to come by skill.

    Bynzer's Black Spear gets the Peon Seal of Approval for Fabulous Players. It is the best weapon available for a vampire priest and a decent weapon for a melee buffing priest.
  8. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    You aren't going to have Blind Rage and Mass Frenzy every turn, even if you play 7 MF like Jade does. Three extra buff traits stabilize the build.
    OK, it was a bad example. Do you consider Ferocity an instant buy? I do. All 3 cards are great, and Violent Spin will be very good in almost every build.

    Yes, we're talking to the new players. Who aren't likely to have Raging Battler, Ferocity or Bleneth's items. But they may already have a pair of Infused Greatclubs or Heavyweight Maces and a Riptide from the quest. Why did you recommend them to ignore a skill that was going to boost almost all their attacks? Buying one good weapon instead wouldn't improve their build that much.

    I've encountered an opinion that Vampire's Blade is the best vampiric weapon from an experienced player here :) I don't agree with that, but the Spear is better just slightly, and the new players should probably choose the Blade if they're short on gold.

    Looks like that your opinions are based just on your personal preference, and that's OK - for you. But as long as you're writing in a thread that the incompetent players use for a guidance, please, try not to mislead them. They can just leave the game if they spend a lot of money and won't get the decent builds.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2014
  9. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    That is exactly the point why most people don´t agree with a lot of things you say.

    As i said a few times already, if you want a discussion then open a thread in the deck building section.
    You can write what you want here but do it and then leave it. Others will also offer opinions and if somebody is interested they will decide if they want to buy something based on the different advices.
    But please stop your neverending arguing. That is the cause that most people are irritated by you.
  10. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    What "that"?

    If the discussion theme would be "how to build a XXX deck", I would open the new thread there. But if the discussion theme is "whether item XXX is worth buying", it should be discussed here.

    If you don't like a good discussion, you aren't forced to participate. But the goal of every forum thread is a good discussion, like it or not. You don't have any right or even a reason to stop it. Would you really prefer just a voting on every item instead? This can be done, if you like.
  11. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    As a relatively new player myself .. there are far better ways for new players to spend money.. 1 Focused Crushing definitely wont help much .. if at all (as you also lose token that would help on other places .. and if nothing, you lose 1 Team Run for MP there..)

    For Single Player there is really no need for Focused Crushing .. but really not any need -> firestorm and other fire items are far better investment
    For Multiplayer -> Priest equipment .. Multiple Mass Frenzy items in the first place.. and movement cards (Team Runs) .. and you can make a long way up the Ranks with just uncommons, rares and epics..
  12. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    What you said about Peon fits perfectly what almost all people think about you.
  13. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Team Run is great, but it's just one move, while Crusher stays for 3 turns. I surely can be wrong. Let's just say that *I* would definitely buy Focused Crushing if I would mysteriously lose all my epics and legendaries. I didn't say it's better than Mass Frenzy items, but it's definitely worth the price IMHO. If you prefer to wait for the item you need most, you're welcome. I am not that patient.

    It's sad to know, since I am always trying to provide the good advices. Thus, if you manage to convince me that I was wrong, I will thank you for learning something new.
  14. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    No point in feeding you.
    Often enough people did that without result, you just keep going. That is why i hope that the moderators realize what you are and put an hold to it.

    The best example is just a bit above where Drakkan explained why that item is not a instant buy for someone new or someone with a limited budget but you still knew better.
    And all people knew the exact arguments against that, only you didn´t want to accept that.

    So i hope a lot more people will just report your posts for what they are.
  15. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    I have actually bought Focused Crushing .. but I'm near 90% items and got enough gold, my Randi is bad for weeks.. and I like the pictures.. I like the cycling etc.. who knows what future (expansions?) brings

    Multiplayer CH is a positional game.. what is attack card worth if you cant use it.. if you cant reach opponent you're forced to discard a 8-11 dmg attack card ..
    You can do the same thing to your opponent .. move out of his reach, gang/chase on 1 character etc.. as attack buff, that also counts on total Dealt/Received dmg ..

    I'm not arguing on quality of Focused Crushing .. but for SP you dont need it.. and for MP .. if you use it, you also lose yellow token, lose potential slot for Team Run .. it's nice but imho far from Staple or "a must buy" item..

    And if you're short on gold .. 2500 = 4 epics and 5 rares .. carefully chosen, those 9 items would definitely make a nice (and far greater) boost to someone's party..
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    You are wrong, I am not a troll. I have absolutely no pleasure in arguing, but I simply cannot change my opinion just because somebody doesn't agree.

    Drakkan has his opinion, I have mine. Can you produce a reason why I have to immediately accept his point of view if I am not totally agree with his arguments? Just because you don't like discussions maybe? :)

    If anyone is trolling here, it's you. Since your post have absolutely no useful content, just the personal assaults. But I'm not going to report your posts, as I know that it wouldn't stop you and the others like you.
  17. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Congrats, Drakkan! I've mentioned the argument about the future expansions. If that helped you to make a decision, I am happy :)

    Aha! I see the point of confusion here. You consider an item a "must buy" only if it provides great cards for little tokens. I consider item a "must buy" if it enables the powerful builds, even for a price in tokens, especially if the item is unique, and especially if the new builds don't require the special set of other items. I love having a lot of options. But you're right, Focused Crushing isn't Raging Battler: it doesn't provide the great cards for zero tokens. In that sense, it isn't a "must buy".

    Yes, they would... but they would also ruin his hope of building the really good deck sometimes in the future. I have a vast experience in training novices in CCGs, and I've observed both buying strategies (one really great rare card or several commons/uncommons) a lot. People buying commons/uncommons generally play much more, but leave the game soon. People buying rares usually become the champions in the future. That's why I always recommend buying the best cards - play a lot, and you will get the rares/epics in the drops, but not the legendaries.
  18. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    If you have money, "instant buy" is any good item ..
    If you have money and you're a Colectionar in your Soul .. then "instant buy" is ANY item you dont own (like Sir Veza said) .. etc ..

    But if you dont have that much money .. "must buy" it complex term .. for example -> player who has not enough money and plays melee party .. is White Flame or Miligar's Dragon Tongue "instant buy" for them? No way .. I've got 3 White Flames and never used any ..

    So a "must buy" item isn't item that only boosts specific party setup (unless you play just that setup ofc, or that setup is really overpowered), rather it's item that's flexible enough, that's considered among best in that slot (Ht Firebrandt, St. Olaf's Fiery Pike, Blenth's Skull, Sliding Boots, other good boots, Savvy Attacker, some no-token rare shields, Nimbus Blade, Raging Rock, Raging Battler, those Commands, etc .. ) ..

    What is worth if you buy Focused Crushing, White Flame, BloodChooper and St. Portia's Maul .. you spend 10k gold .. and cant build anything ..

    So White Flame is "instant buy" if you play (or plan to play) Fire Wizard..
    Focused Crushing .. is/could be "instant buy" if you play "Crushing Warrior" ..
    The problem is -> fire wizard is powerful .. and crushing warrior .. could be playable.. I dont know.. I never saw any (important) in MP .. and I dont see it near that powerful .. if crushing warrior was overpowered archetype, then Focused Crushing would be real "instant buy"..

    And that's the real "point of confusion" here -> You consider Crushing Warrior powerful for MP, other players don't believe that it is .. plus as you don't play MP, they don't trust you etc ..
    If crushing warrior was proven archetype among high ranking MP players, all of those players would agree and say "instant buy", staple for best Warrior build.. etc..

    For example "flying Dwarf" with Vibrant Pain pre-nerf was proven and really powerful and there is nobody who would skip on VP and Raging Battler as best tokenless dwarf skill.

    Best way (and probably the only) to silence all others is that you build your "crushing warrior" and drive him to the tops of MP ranks.. then everyone would regret not buying FC.

    I agree that bunch of cards will go through drops .. but you dont need all the "good" items for drops to come .. you need only 1 competitive MP deck .. and some SP parties.. I didn't recommend buying/sticking to only commons/uncommons .. you'll get those eventually .. but to rares and epics ..

    As here -> name 1 Legendary item for melee MP party without what you can't get 1500+ rating..?

    I also have ~10 years of Magic the Gathering behind me .. and I would never suggest buying all good "rares" .. I would suggest as here -> find powerful decklist and buy only what you need for it .. after that, you can start expanding your cardpool ..
    peonprop likes this.
  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    You've meant unlimited money. I don't have it, and I don't believe some player has.

    Okay, let's accept your definition. This will definitely make things more clear for the new players.

    You want not just "good" or "powerful", but "overpowered"? That would be too much. Focused Crushing makes you a warrior with the stable high damage output (I like Vitos' build a lot), which is difficult to achieve without it.

    I don't believe that's the real point. Vitos has demonstrated a good build, and everyone agreed about that.

    This worries me most of all. Only proven archetypes are worth building and playing, eh? Any person with such narrow point of view will never invent a new build. When he sees a potentially good card he doesn't buy it - only to regret about that afterwards :)

    That's exactly what I'm going to do. Unfortunately, I lack a lot of items, so the road is long...

    Items aren't all, you know - a player's skill also matters. I am a bad player, so I need the best builds.

    Absolutely true. That's why I was recommending Focused Crushing. Vitos' list is powerful enough to be pursued, and there are many variations. Most expensive items can be replaced by cheaper alternatives until you get the legendaries, but not the FC.
  20. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    No. You're rushing to conclusions. Discussion is about if FC is "instant buy", not about if it has "potential" to be part of some ultra/imba build. It might have, I dont know, but nobody is arguing that.
    I myself like to deckbuild a lot .. but "instant buy" items (staples) are only items that have been proven not items that could be good! I believe there is nothing to discuss about that..

    "good" isn't good enough .. "good" isnt "instant buy" .. its only good .. Some items offer much more for same cost (Raging Battler vs other tokenless dw skills, etc).
    I consider those items "overpowered" ..

    Why would I buy a 2500g items that would make my warrior only "good" .. I already have a good warrior without any Legendary items ..
    For example, Vibrant Pain before nerf made overpowered dwarf warriors comparing to other without one..

    I dont doubt Vitos' build .. but aside it has 3 Legendary weapons .. of which 2 are the same .. and you could chase that for a Year (as I play 6 months and saw no Lunginators) .. aside from that, I dont see that warrior stronger than those Bejeweled, OB or spear warriors..
    And it's full of 4 dmg attacks .. even if buffet they are 6dmg's .. put 2 Hackmasters/Bludgeonators and you're above that dmg output..

    Randi got bigger, chest will be chaper.. now a lot of players play "the best builds" .. so, at the end (high ranking) it it skill after all..
    I like overpowered builds .. but I dont see any ..

    So it's like I said -> you consider that build worth pursuing and we don't think it is that powerful.

    I dont know if you played MTG .. but I had similar affection to some builds.. I used to spend days and days of testing, playing, lots of money etc improving those builds..
    It became playable .. it could surprise Tier 1 builds .. it could got into prizes in Tournament .. but it was never a Tier 1 build..
    Then I switched to Goblins/Affinity (long time ago ;) ) and crushed everything..

    So going for specific (crushing) builds, not that proven, and on the other hand pretty expensive, with questionable power and future.. when you can build a nice warrior even without Legendary items is a waste of resources ..

    It's nice, it's fun, it's inventive, it's playable, it's everything .. it's just not "instant buy". Yet.

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