The Daily Deal

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Fry_The_Guy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
    Stexe likes this.
  2. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Forval's Teak Staff would be a funny item to use, it's probably the best source of Freeze (not that Freeze is good anymore, it's not!!), and having Telekinesis/Potent Spark/Flash of Agony is pretty neat. I would lean towards it more if it favored Agony and not Stone Spikes, which is pretty bad on a staff slot.

    Again with the freaking Advanced Command... sheesh, you're making humans look bad.

    Bloodfoot robes are a bit of an oddball, but they do have some synergy with Cone arcane items, particularily ones with Cond of Cold, Force Cone and Force Cannon. It's just a little unnecessary.

    I don't like Ravenna's, but having two of these is handy for those darned geomancers. In a wizard party. Yep. Still not great, but certainly more unfocused than "strange", whatever that means.
    EDIT: 1 important thing to note about Ravenna's Incense is that all three cards trigger Talented Healer. It's useful sometimes!
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
  3. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    "The only legendary I have money to buy now is White Flame."

    -Me, an hour ago.

    Ector likes this.
  4. UiA

    UiA Ogre

  5. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Purchased. Now I have all week to buy back my treasure. :)

    Also, good thing I forgot to buy Blue Destruction.
  6. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Well, I wasn't the first to celebrate this. Anyway, who needs a second White Flame? ;) I could already buy it from my Randi's. Congratz everybody who didn't have it yet! Hope you've saved up some gold "just in case".

    Grey Charm. Pretty nice item. If it would be tokenless or Skull Of Savage Iljin would never exist, I'd buy it.
    Staff Of Burning Ice. Two yellow tokens is too much for it. If not the price, it could be a great anti-attachment staff. Look, it places four different kinds of attachments on the enemy chars! It should be pretty easy to remove the opponent's attachments with such cards.
    Unholy Cudgel. Two Unholy Energy makes it an interesting option, but the attacks demonstrate lack of tech, except for the Powerful Bash. I guess it would be better to seek Mokad's stuff. He was really the unholy guy :)

    For the new players: consider buyung True Strike Spear, if you don't have it yet. It will help you to farm the lower level scenarios. Even Bad Luck is quite nice there, since those goblins have too many blocks...
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2014
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    If I have a White Flame, do I buy another?
    esthkol likes this.
  8. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    That's a great question. My answer is, do you have enough arcane items to deck out two wizards?

    You'd really want to stack some Flame Jets and Globs of Flame onto two wizards, which means multiple specific fire legendaries. Also, you will want Barnum's Staff/Staff of Embers too.
  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Definitely not. Remember that a character can have only 3 attachments. Even if you include two burning mages in your party, they will just kick off each other's attachments.
    Plus, I believe that a burning wizard should only burn, and all other tasks (armor melting, placement control, dealing direct damage and so on) should be devoted to the other wizard. You can have all 3 wizards, of course, but I think that two wizards + a priest will be much more reliable.
    esthkol likes this.
  10. Vitos

    Vitos Kobold

    Tried two burning wizards a little in a Barrels League. Results satisfied me, definitely will try more later.
  11. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    If I was on the test server, I would be interested to find out what the best way to do two burning wizards would be. I'm thinking maybe that one wizard could use Flame Spit/Instant Burn/Flame Jet and the other Ember Burst/Instant Burn/Glob of Flame. (Or swap the Flame Jet with Glob of Flame)
    You could even mix it up with some Sizzling Bolts maybe? Mainly, I wonder if it would be more effective to diversify my fire attacks evenly on both wizards or just specialize on both.

    PS: I don't believe in Staff of the Fire God/Searing Pain for a true fire wizard. Fireball is cool and all, but the other attacks are limiting.
    Admittedly, SOFG is alright but you really shouldn't be close enough to use Magma Spray. And when you aren't, it's useless.

    Oh and BTW, a fire wizard with Focused Pyromancy and no other traits should get backup from a priest with Unholy Energy/Accelerated Though. That will really kick the damage up a notch.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    That's very interesting theme indeed. It would be great if the game had a skill with two Inspirational Thinking, even a legendary for a yellow token :)
    Unholy Energy/Accelerated Thought are good, but don't forget about Inspiring Presence and Bless. They both heal and provide extra cards.
  13. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Two days in a row for White Flame, huh? If you missed out, you get a reprieve!
  14. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Today we have Rolf's Reliable Platemail. Looks great, has 3 Reliable Mail. Oh well.
    It's a cool item, but I can't recommend using it when there are so many other armors with(including 3 epics with two copies of) Reliable Mail, not to mention boots /helmets with Reliable Mail that I would never use Rolf's. I'll save my gold for Bern's Untouchable Plate, now there's a great item for special builds.

    Draining Dagger is OK , it's like paying two minor tokens to replace Loner with Mind Worm (instead of Vampire's Blade). Not sure how playable it is, since it cuts you down from 4/4 vamp attacks to 3/6.
    Healing Hand Mace is a FANTASTIC all-around item, a worthy divine weapon for everyone's collection. Buy one if you don't have one.
    Wedge Shield is OK if you like Surging Shield Block. And you should.
  15. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Draining Dagger is perfectly fine. Loner is a pain to play around and it's rare that you will completely avoid taking damage from it. I've tried using double Vampire's Blade and ended up chaining Loners in the heat of battle way too often. I ended up switching one out for Draining Dagger and it isn't horrible. Mind Worm isn't the most impressive card but it sure is annoying to play against. I wouldn't buy it though since I'd use Bynzer's Black Spear over it if I had one. If you don't have either and don't want to use double Vampire's Blade, Lifesuck Spear is probably the best placeholder vamp weapon.
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    The real problem isn't just the gold, but the yellow token too. Reliable Mail is a great armor but not that great to justify spending a yellow token on 3 copies of it. I guess a legendary armor could cost a blue token, and I'd buy it in that case.

    I guess one Draining Dagger for a party of three vampires would be enough. An occasional Mind Worm may be nice, but not a lot of them. I have one, so I can safely skip it.
    I'd say "buy this if you don't have two". I have one, but still going to buy the second one. It's so good that almost all legendary alternatives are worse!
  17. Ector

    Ector Hydra

  18. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Uula's Whirling Robes are a "Must Buy" for collectors who don't have them yet. So I did. Other than that, they're pretty worthless.
  19. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    Thoughts on Shield Of The Tumbler? I LOVE Disorienting Block, but I feel that the Simple Strike makes it almost unplayable for a gold token. The fact that I need a couple hundred more gold before I can afford it is making it a tough decision.
  20. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    Not worth farming for. And i doubt that it is even worth to equip for a gold token.

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