[Suggestion] Make win conditions more obvious.

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by TheNicOfTime, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. TheNicOfTime

    TheNicOfTime Kobold

    I am unsure if i am just over looking something, which is prone to happen, or if this is actually an issue but on some quest there are extra characters on the board that when killed do not contribute stars to the victory count. This is very apparent in the quest against Melvin. The chest do not contribute stars but this is never stated so card can be waisted on them instead of just make a B-line for Melveoulus. Also the amount of stars that enemies contribute is sometimes inconsistant. They will sometime provide one star and sometimes two. So have I overlooked something or is this not implemented in any way.
    Rorre likes this.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    There's no way to tell which enemies gives victory stars a t m - it's been suggested monsters could be marked with number of stars et c. Could be a good idea.
  3. Grombak

    Grombak Orc Soldier

    That would be great. Took my several attempts to figure out that I only had to kill Melvelous to proceed in the 2nd or 3rd map of the dungeon.
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Well, they have this really cool "victory point" mechanic, but currently it's both underutilized and tricky to understand. The "one versus two" thing is somewhat intuitive: "bosses" give you more points. Not that you need more, because victory points are just "kill counts" on most maps. For Melvelous, though, you saw they added a pretty clever change in win conditions to make you change your strategy. (Similar to Rescue from Shieldhaven Prison, but moreso.) They ALSO made it so that, on rare occasion, you could leave exactly one minion left alive on the board and still win, which is kinda confusing.

    A quote:

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