[Suggestion]: "Favorite" Item tag

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by SpencerWS, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. SpencerWS

    SpencerWS Kobold

    Here's my issue. I'm a schemer. I like to determine what equipment is best for a given scenario. I am also a hoarder. I can't rule out the possibility that an item might be well-suited for a future scenario.

    If I were to sell my less used items, I'll continue to get that "new item" sticker when I visit the shops over items that I once had and then sold. As a result, that sticker simply becomes a distraction when looking for good items.

    If I keep my items (as I do), I have to reorient myself as to the merits of certain items every time I move equipment (due to a level gain, a power core re-configuration, a new scenario, or what-have-you). I'm not fond of continuing to lose track of which items are better than which items in general and having to look over them all again. I suspect other players have these problems too.

    As a solution, I'd like the ability to place a small sticker-icon thing on the bottom right corner of items that is visible from the items panel (perhaps a gold star or something). I would place this icon on items that I think are generally the best for their power level and type. That way I can keep all my items (making the "new item" sticker helpful for finding potentially better items in the shop) and can still remember that some items have been functionally better than others.

    I welcome any feedback or correction.
  2. mikey76500

    mikey76500 Hydra

    Sounds like the Store/Retrieve option would be a very viable substitute for this; using it you can save up to 100 combinations of both Campaign teams and Multiplayer Teams all with their own equip setups.
  3. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    But this would be useful for making new campaign teams and MP teams. This(favorite tag) has been suggested before, I still want it. http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/suggestion-bookmarked-favorite-items.8231/

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