[Suggestion] Eliminate 'infinite draw' decks

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Pilgrim Bailey, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. kardnel

    kardnel Mushroom Warrior

    You always draw to the guy with numbus first. You also don't let people accumulate lots of demonic items. Once you have two nimbus up you basically mostly only use those priests... the two of them will draw infinitely just fine. The third guy is basically just to jump start the whole thing.

    Unless the opponent does damage the Demonic Revenge and even Demonic Feedback will not kill a guy in one go through. This is only 6 + 15 = 21 damage while your guys have 25 HP. I guess once in a while, on rare occasions, you will take bigger damage from the demonic feedback *and* not draw a nimbus until the very end. So I guess those times you might end up killing yourself. But that also doesn't factor in that mail helps somewhat.

    Once you've infinitely drawn you can just keep recycling the inspiring presence over and over if you want, too.

    In the games I have played my guys were not really dropping below 15 most of the time though...
  2. Plus you get massive aoe healing capability. Healing Rays, Greater Heals, Minor Heals, Inspiring Presence specifically.
  3. kardnel

    kardnel Mushroom Warrior

    Well in my deck I don't... haha.

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