[Suggestion] Club Member only articles

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Phaselock, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Struck me when I was working on the maths for card draws. That the writeup could be worth something for interested readers. Gave it a bit of thought and I think that exclusive content/high quality articles for club members might seem like a good draw. Below are some ideas for post release consideration.

    In part, I'd like to see
    a) Articles that talk about the new stuff in a forthcoming expansion, be it new adventures..cards, items etc.
    b) Articles detailing how artwork.. (damn, reminds me of my long procrastinated 3d modelling) .. is conceptualized, designed and made to final print.
    c) Articles that talk about the statistics of deck building and character builds.
    d) Articles that present data, breakdown and analysis on the meta-game.
    e) Articles that showcase a particular custom scenario/interesting board designs/special vp layouts etc.

    ok...I'm gonna stop...getting greedy. :p
    Lance and Doctor Blue like this.
  2. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    Content that I'm sure people would be interested in and wouldn't be unfair to free players? Good idea. ;)

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