Ahh right. Its late, for some reason I got it confused. It fits the theme perfectly (another purge would be nice too!). The unholy one could also make for some interesting plays. The blast attack you mention, how would it work? Cone or direct line? It doesn't seem that often that you get characters lined up.
Linear, definitely. A cone would be too easy to transfer, and confuses things with the possibility of multiple targets being recipients. I just want the removed attachment to fire straight into one target, like a charge. I think it would be easier to use than you think. We don't have anything that makes us have to worry about this sort of effect fallout yet, so we're not really used to lining up our shots like billiard balls... but it could definitely work. It would be about as hard as bashing someone off a VP, or lining up trogs wearing forward-mounted plates so that your hits intentionally knock them backwards into lava. It's a skillshot, if you will. Worst case scenerio, your target still loses their attachment, and it's just gone (or stuck to another enemy instead?). Best case, you knock a debuff off yourself onto an enemy, or an enemy buff off onto your allied unit that you've positioned behind them. Edit: The more I think about this, the funnier it seems, potentially. Imagine blasting festering guts off of a zombie onto another character and using them like a suicide bomber.. or bouncing it off something with reflect missile to remove a debuff from yourself and stick it to someone behind you. Heh.
Divine Protection cannot be implemented as written. Card Hunter does not have counters on cards as of now, so there is no way to track how much damage the card absorbs. Try this: "Attach to target. May self target. All damage against the target is reduced by 6. Keep if the absorbed damage was 2 or less." Or: "Roll a die. Keep if the absorbed damage was equal to or less than the die roll."
-is up now, though I switched the name to Banish. I tried to keep the essence of the card name but it just felt right to keep it shorter. Let me know what you think. Ha - your latest suggestion would indeed provide some chaotic moments . I'm not sure if we would be pushing the mechanics too far but it would definitely be fun. Thats true Martin, (I don't think the mechanic for Charged bolt or Smite are shoe-ins either, they would both need some small additions to the code). I like your thinking though within the games current limits. If Jon is willing to consider adding some cards (but not outside of the games existing framework) its an acceptable compromise. Thanks for the input. Next time you have a free moment let me know what you think about Forbidden Transfer. I am very close to changing it to Aldones' suggestion of a drain but it would be awesome to hear from others as well.
It seems cool to me. I'm digging the addition of the tiny healing cross on the mace graphic. I take it you don't like my half-assed adoption of that other guy's idea about discarding a second card to make it more powerful? I think I agree. With the nature of this thread being to create themes, I think I just felt influenced by his idea enough to suggest making it more common. Final product is much less complex, and also allows it to be slightly more common. Question, do you think that it should qualify as a bash? The adoption of this attack, and the holy hammer might be more greatly accepted if it had a bit of synergy with the family of bash attacks, rather than simply imitating them.
Cheers Aldones, Ah yeah, sorry I forget to mention I left out the last part of cast out thy demons mainly because I am worried about the card being dismissed by the devs because it doesn't operate strictly within the existing framework. That and it still seems like a good card without the extra power. Good idea with the bash synergy. I guess both of them will have to be renamed something Bash.