Store confusion on "New"?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by playhavock, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. playhavock

    playhavock Mushroom Warrior

    "New" for a store means "new to me" that is - I do not "own" it, but I might have (seen) it before. However, I now own ALL the items in the (level 1) store, yet every now and again it says "New" and I check it out, click the "new" button, and nothing is there... so - what is going on - does the store think it has "new" due to some in game-thing? If so, is this a bug / feature / ???

    thanks for answers.

    Also, also , how does the Rare store work - does it have new items all the time/ rotate items around??
  2. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    The "new" tag on the store icon means that the shop has restocked with a random selection from the appropriate subset of equipment. It has nothing to do with whether the "filter by new" feature within the shop, that will tell you whether or not it has items you don't own.

    The rare store restocks weekly on Saturday. It contains a random selection from rare+ items of all levels. It will rarely have more than a couple of legendary items and a dozen or so epics.

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