Shieldhaven Prison Mission Title Card has major typo!

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Gumbyfan, May 29, 2013.

  1. Gumbyfan

    Gumbyfan Kobold

    Hello, this is my first Card Hunter error report ever.

    The blue title card for "Rescue from Shieldhaven Prison" says the following:

    "The Shieldhaven Prison is a well-nigh inescapable, but Baron Morton has hired you to do the impossible."

    The prison is an inescapable what? (alternatively, you could just delete the "a", please)

    Thank you!
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Posting this in the bug forum, in the thread for text and story misstakes would make more sense. ;)
  3. Gumbyfan

    Gumbyfan Kobold

    This is an error, not a programming bug, therefore if does not belong in the bug forum.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Well, the thread for it is there - in that subforum meant for any kind of unintended game issues, a k a "bugs". So just letting you know it's more likely to be helpful and spotted if it's posted in the pinned thread for these kinds of issues...
  5. Card Hunter Joe

    Card Hunter Joe Blue Manchu

    Hi GumbyFan,

    When you say "The blue title card " do you mean the module cover?
  6. Gray

    Gray Mushroom Warrior

    While you are text book correct the term bug is increasingly used to denote any mistake in a software application - the BCS, ISTQB and IEEE have variously tried to introduce alternate names for capturing mistakes (Fault, Defect and Anomaly respectively) - but bug keeps on hanging in there.

  7. Gumbyfan

    Gumbyfan Kobold

    Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I mean the cover.
    The card with the title, introductory picture, module number and one paragraph description of the overarching quest. (Not the "page one" page next to it.)

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