Search function for keep

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by majmun, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. majmun

    majmun Kobold

    More specifically, I am suggesting a search function for retrieving party setups. I believe it would be helpful to be able to search stored parties by keyword such as "beneath the frozen earth" or "level 10 party". Or, perhaps simply allow us to organize that stored party slots".

    Frankly, I don't need this now, but with my current party storing method I am beginning to see a need for such a feature.

    To elaborate: Different missions have different (level) restrictions (and arguable requirements). I began to organize parties by the number of power tokens used. This in itself did not pose much of a problem. However, as I get further in the multiplayer I am finding the need for different builds -- for example, now I have a stored slot for an armor stripping deck that uses three power tokens. In the future I may store armor stripping configurations with different amount of power tokens. I may even store configurations simply for replaying certain missions. My point is simply that I anticipate having many stored parties. If I end up filling say, 20 slots, it may be nice to be able to search the store/retrieve list by keyword (ie by "two token" or "armor removing").

    Granted, I admit that I am not far in single player, and I am new to the game. If anyone has a suggestion for a better way to organize/store parties, I am open to suggestions. Also, I admit that this feature is not very necessary; I do believe it would be a nice convenience if implementing it is not difficult.

    Thank you for reading this.
    Tyro and Pawndawan like this.
  2. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

  3. majmun

    majmun Kobold

    I ran a couple searches but didn't see that. My apologies.
  4. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Don't worry, it's better to bring an issue up multiple times than to never bring it up at all. It's not like we're ever going to run out of forum space :).
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  5. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Yeah, as Jarmo said, no harm done. :)
  6. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Fwiw, my first slot is an empty party saved that I titled "CLEAR", after that I have every save slot titled by Adventure name starting with the level twos, all the way up to the last one. Some slots I haven't even put a party into yet, but each adventure has it's own slot in order. That way I never have to worry about organization.
    Pawndawan likes this.

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