Ready to win some Beta Keys?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Megadestructo, Jan 24, 2013.

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  1. Jose Tello

    Jose Tello Kobold

    A couple of years ago, i was hosting a D&D campain to a group of friends, they were new to the game and they had to cross an abundant river, Aramel (human cleric in armor) had the idea to jump from a big rock, but been cautiuos he talk about tied him up to a rope, and every one agrees, he tide himself to the rope, climb the big rock with a die role of 16, and jump from the top of the rock, he roled a 3, he knew he was in trouble and said: "hurry pull me to the shore" and i as the DM asked "did some one grabed the rope before he jumped?", and averyone started laughing because no one did. Since that, that day is known as "the day Aramel Drown" and we remeber it form time to time.
    sorry for the writing, english is not my native language, but hope you like it.
  2. ChroniclerC

    ChroniclerC Kobold

    Yuan-ti on an airship, wherein we completely ruin our GM's plans.. :p
    Okay, so we're playing 4th Edition Eberon. Sky pirates, because everyone who plays Eberon plays a sky pirates game at some point. For some reason, we get it into our heads to raid a House Lyrandar party barge. (For those who don't know, Lyrandar is basically the organization in Eberon that deals with air trade and airships.) It's this gigantic airship, massive enough to have a mansion on top. So we buzz through the clouds, get underneath it, cut a hole in the bottom, and climb in. We arrive just in time to discover that someone has smuggled a small army of Yuan-ti on board (Snakes on a Plane, har-har) in the storage area (where we just broke in), and they're just now waking up. We beat a few up, then promptly flee through where we came in. We manage to get topside and warn the partying nobles in time before anyone gets seriously injured, people get to lifeboats, whatever. So we're on our ship with the head Lyrandar noble, and we change gears from "raiders who take money" to "heroes who get paid" and volunteer to solve the snake-person infestation. We sneak up to the mansion and take out the first batch of guards. BUT, we don't kill them, we take them hostage. My low-charisma character, who has somehow taken the two most important languages in the campaign thus far, talks to them. We find out that they're on-board looking for this navigation orb thing, which it turns out the Lyrandar noble is totally willing to just give to the Yuan-ti if it means they leave. So we call up the Yuan-ti leader, tell him that we're willing to just give it to him if they leave, and that's basically what happens.
    After the game, the GM explains to us that he had this big dungeon-crawl planned out in the mansion. He had looked up floorplans online and everything. The horror that goes through his head as we start talking to the Yuan-ti. "That is... completely... REASONABLE!!!"
    VexingVision and Scyrax like this.
  3. Zeetoois

    Zeetoois Mushroom Warrior

    Let's put it this way. My alignment didn't match up real well with my friend's character (I was a neutral good elf, he was a chaotic evil orc). I was a mage, and one of my spells super-failed. As such, my spell rebounded and I lost all my armor. We ended up taking the giant we were facing down, but I was basically running around nude after that. We walk into the next room and find a wolf sitting on a pile of clothes I could wear. We line up to attack it, but my VERY FIRST spell rebounds. Because my DM thought he was funny, he made me smell like mashed potatoes. Now I've got a crazed berserker orc AND a wolf running around after me. The rest of the guys were laughing so hard that they decided not to help me. Needless to say, I lived through all of about two attacks. Hilarity ensued. At least for the other guys. I was pretty torqued at the time. Now it's freaking hysterical.
  4. Jonquero

    Jonquero Kobold

    Ok I'll have a bash at this. The moment is quite recent, and really sticks out as a great moment for characters and roleplaying, and the atmosphere around the table was electric. I'm not sure how this will come across in a description but I'll try.

    I'm currently in a long term DnD/Pathfinder game, 4 years and counting, we're about 12th level. Style is heavy on the roleplay with lots of strong character inter play and every character had really well defined personalities.

    to set the scene, about 8 months or so ago the Druid had turned from quite a calm, nature loving dude with a small grudge against his sister for patricide, into an angry vengeance obsessed angel of wrath. Out of game the player was going through some really bad stuff, so everyone just assumed some of that was bleeding into the game (which was understandable) and the rest of the characters (mine, an arrogant storm based wizard, a tough as nails ranger, a combat cleric and a dire tiger riding cavalier all let it pass with only the slightest of comments.

    Eventually we realised that actually in game the guy had been seduced by an evil orb artifact and blended with it, in order for him to gain the power to confont his sister. When my wizard realises this there is a great confrontation between him and the druid (who btw are the only original characters fröm the very beginning of the campaign, and myself and druid player are great friends). Anyway the druid promises he is in control of the power, and my wizard promises that if he ever sees the orb in control, he will kill the druid. A few months before this all happened the party had actually recovered a box for imprisoning one of these orbs (there where multiple ones) and my wizard was carrying it in his haversack.

    The moment happened at the beginning of one session 6 months or so ago, with the characters sharing a room in an inn. The cleric is woken in the night and watches silently, as the Druid, with red light streaming from his eyes retrieves from the wizards gear the orb prison and hides it in his own gear. With the DM making stealth and perception roles behind the scenes the cleric waits for the druid to return to sleep and wakes the wizard, telling him what he saw. The next ten minutes are spent with myself and the cleric having a whispered argument about what to do, and ends with the wizard borrowing the rangers Greataxe, retrieving the orb prison and then seperating the druids head from his body and then imprisoning the coalescing orb mist and the wizard uttering the phrase "Wizards always keep there promises".

    This is the first inter party kill that's ever happened, so there was some tension, but it turns out that what was cool was the DM and the Druids player had decided in advance this was the best way to play out the story no matter what happened to the character, and to let the dice and situation play out,
    Written down it doesn't sound like much, but what I think made this an epic moment for us, was that the six guys round the table realised that being a part of telling an epic story with such key moments, was the real reason we'd being playing for such a long time, and not just the beer and pizza stress relief that the game started out like.

    Anyway, thanks for reading and can I have my Beta key now please ;)
    skip_intro and Scyrax like this.
  5. CletusVanDamme

    CletusVanDamme Mushroom Warrior

    We played a fairly long and complex campaign of Vampire the Masquerade throughout the 90's, which was very much based around the group and our NPC allies taking Atlantic City from the Sabbat (our enemies) and then running the city, in a kind of part RPG, part simulation game that now I look back was kind of mindblowing in scope. It was pretty serious stuff too at the time - that is until a guy whose nickname was (and I kid you not) "Hardon" joined our group. He was a big guy, a great guy too, but he totally ruined our campaign in the best possible way by creating a Samedi character (a vampire who looks like a zombie, in case you didn't know) with an over the top Italian American accent and some advantage trait (which I forget the name of) that basically allowed him to shed his limbs and grow them back like some lizards do.

    As soon as he joined, our sessions basically deteriorated into either us finding the best way to leave his limbs everywhere or he himself finding the most elaborate or imaginative uses of that particular trait, all the while accompanied by this ridiculous Jersey Shore-on-overdrive style accent and his booming, infectious laughter. He would literally get himself caught by the police just to get out of the handcuffs by letting his arms drop off, and then just sit there across the table laughing his ass off for five minutes about it. We left limbs all over town, we played pranks on NPCs with them, we used them as weapons... Well, with so many "zombie" limbs being left around the city the Masquerade was basically in tatters and I think the GM had essentially given up on us - the campaign ended by the universe exploding. Our jaws kind of dropped but honestly it was a fitting end. Could never play V:tM seriously again after that.
    IshidaTsuki likes this.
  6. Emilio

    Emilio Kobold

    To me, the moment that I always remember as one of the best laughs in a gaming session was when playing a D&D campaign with very low magic level, I got in combat with a savage that was roaming the party in the city. He was actually a player and it was a quite funny combat. Another player who played the only mage in he city, to stop the battle casted a sleep speel on me, just after me getting hit by the savage. Later on, when I was awaken, I told everybody : "Beware, the savage has sleeping poison in the teeth". Now, describing this it sounds quite dull, but back then it was the geek joke of the year
  7. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    My Favorite moment in Rp happened a long time ago, also in a Vamp the Masquerade. But I will get to the story..

    The DM (A friend of mine) was all happy as he had just returned with this box set full of some "New Adventure". We went through all the trouble of setting it up, and getting the little map rolled out, as well as the figurines all detached from their little plastic holding cells. It was the first time we had tries a box set with VtM and we were so happy that it was something new and exciting. So we start, and the story is about some ancient vampire in the jungles of South America. After doing the pre-story (Bringing all the characters there, and in the plot) we come across the main villain sleeping in a coffin. Thinking fast, on of us run over and stab him with a stake before he wakes up (The wooden kind.. not the meat) hoping to hurt him before he can hurt us.... And so... The story ends.. Yup that was it.. That one move won the campaign. We never got into all the rest of the story, as the main guy died right there (Even the little book that came with it pointed out that this was possible). After the realization that it was over it made us all laugh at how sometimes it really is the simplest answer that is the correct one.
  8. Volspa01

    Volspa01 Kobold

    That time i got a beta key was just awesome, i forever pledged internet <3 to some developers that day....
  9. Cerath

    Cerath Kobold

    My most memorable experience is from WoW Classic.
    It was the first Raid Dungeon and we were a bunch of people(all the first max lvl heros) who never played together before. After few Weeks we reached the Endboss "Ragnaros" and it took us a lot of time and deaths before he even was in kill range. Then one day he was so close to death everyone could feel it, but the whole Raid was already out of supplies. So our Leader, who was a couple of weeks ago a total stranger for us, gathered all our Money, which was a lot worth at that time and went to the capital city for supplies. He bought the complete Auctionhouse and Trade chat empty. All people were so excited and full of energy that we managed to kill him the next try as Server first Raid, with only a few casaulties. As he died all People were screaming in Teamspeak and couldn't stop for a long time. The next thing we did was teleporting to the capital city and do a huge 30min long parade, just celebrating with everyone else in the city.
    It was an event that bound us together, from strangers to friends. This was something i didn't feel in a MMO for a very very long time.
  10. Whiteowl

    Whiteowl Kobold

    Was playing an old marvel superheroes Game about 21-22 yrs? ago (wow). We got bored with the standard rules and made up our own for the most part. Me being Hulk (and kind of a prick), i obviously didnt care who i attacked, being friend or foe. I ended up chasing nightcrawler into a sky scraper. Missed several attacks knocking down pillars. on the last one nightcrawler rolled to leave the building entirely letting me smash the last 'pillar' Un fortunatly the building collapsed. Missed the saving roll by 4. Crush by brute prickishness
  11. Woelrat

    Woelrat Kobold

    I have had a lot of great moments however my favorite moment has to be the first time I DMed. It was for a group of friends who all had experience with playing and it was with D&D 3.5.

    The quest was about a halfling village that had been invaded by small drakes that stole their food. The party learned that the drakes were scared away from their own home by a huge bird (a baby roc but still way above the level of the party) because the smartass wizard directly tried to communicate with the drakes in Draconic.
    I had hoped that the players would have tried to solve this in a peacefull matter. However like all good players do, they go directly against what I had planned and go straight to the roc to slay it. And offcourse I was afraid that my first time as a DM i would already get a TPK on my name.
    The party managed to climb the mountain halfway before the roc found them and within a few rounds most of them were severly injured. They hid in a small crack in the mountain. healed most of their wounds and decided to try and make a run for it. They got halfway an open field before the roc came diving from the sky. At the last moment the wizard decided to cast pyrotechnics. (a spell i didn't know exactly what it did because i always felt it was a useless spell) With it he created a big cloud of smoke that blinded the roc that was diving with great speed toward the ground. The roc barely survived the crash but before he could recover the party ganked up on it and managed to kill him.
    Back in the halfling village they got to have a roc-buffet and there was much rejoicing

    It's my favorite moment because it shows that no matter what you plan as a DM, players will always do exactly the thing you didn't want or expect them to do. Which can lead to great and/or stressfull situations.
  12. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    ...this one soo reminds me of DM of the Rings.... and Dork Tower for that matter :D
  13. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    This was a session with some friends 2 years ago, we were in a important fight
    Archer(me): sh*t this beholder its tough
    Sir Orc(friend): indeed, let me give you a hand *rolls* *take a deep breath*
    Sir Orc: well my friend, was nice to meet you
    Archer: what are you talking about?
    Sir Orc: I will love to give you a hand but as you see here *shows dice*(bad roll) I can't do anything because its tea time!
    Archer: Are you seriously going to drink tea now?!
    Sir Orc: Well of course! I can't be called "Sir" if I dont respect the tea time
    Archer: ...... I'm gonna die don't I?
    Sir Orc: well yes, but dont worry the tea is magnificent (8)

    Maybe its not very funny but believe me everyone was laughing, except me (and yes I died)
    Lorenzo and Woelrat like this.
  14. Korisi

    Korisi Kobold

    Going with the original facebook question, my player's first death was my favorite just due to his nature.

    Loving gold and treasure above all, my warlock Mord was a lowly man, and an evil man by most standards. When given the opportunity for riches, he set out upon his quest with a party of do-gooders, sure that he would be able to swindle them out of the majority of the shinies and come back to town hopefully without one or two of his "friends". After fighting together through a goblin cave, we happened upon the young and old goblins who had for some reason humanely been kept behind. They were barricaded behind a wooden wall and refused to either let us in. With their refusal to fight, our paladin and druid decided that we should leave them be and continue upon our quest; however, Mord was to have none of that. He knew that surely the goblin's treasure was barricaded within the cave's room with the young and old. The 4th party member, a rogue halfling, sharing his love of gold, simply reached into his pouch and pulled out two oily concoctions that we had obtained earlier in the adventure. As Mord and the rogue feinted agreement and the party started to move away, a simple match was lit and the flaming concoctions were thrown over the barricade.

    The resulting explosion, burning barricade and the screams of the goblins burst forth from behind us, the paladin and druid found this unforgivable and cut us down. Though in reality we were all cackling madly as the rogue had made a perfect throw and the resulting explosion was near perfect as roll resulting in a much greater amount of fire and chaos then should have occurred. So ended the tale of Mord.
  15. Brandon

    Brandon Kobold

    My full main D & D group couldn’t get together so for fun the 4 of us that were there decided to just roll some level 3 characters and play with them. I decided to be a 7’3” Minotaur barbarian named Bubbles. He was great for a tank and very different then my normal Drow thief. Do to Bubbles’ size, when we went into the town I had issues getting into the first door that we came to, I had to do an athleticism roll (which I failed) so my team had to push me back outside and I destroyed the door (and half the wall) to get in which caused a mini riot in the town. My teammates sat in the bar while I fought the town. After I finished off the town folk I crashed through the wall of the bar and raged through my “teammates.” I killed one of them and bloodied the other before I was finally put down. It was great to be able to rage through my teammates and not have to care about the future of characters.
  16. VexingVision

    VexingVision Kobold

    18 years. Anaya was born in the second edition of AD&D, as an elven ranger, and I carried her over all the way into Pathfinder a few years ago, travelling systems and worlds with her group and on her own. She grew to be a master archer, and a skilled hunter of undead, but over the years, the loss of loved ones, the betrayal of allies and friendships that created enemies made her bitter beyond belief. Soon all she lived for was her hatred of the dead, whom she hunted with a determination and disregard for her own safety that bordered on insanity.

    18 years, and it all ended in Eberron when finally, her iron will falters when facing a dracolich commanding vampires and other undead. She gives in to despair, all the madness in her heart bursting. And as she charges and begins to slay the undead dragon's minions, she is overwhelmed by the dragon's mindpowers, and all that was sanity flees her.

    Anaya the Huntress, Anaya Ghostbow, Anaya Silverarrow they called her, and for 18 years, she slew necromancers and their minions. That night, she fell, only to rise again as one of the creatures she hunted and hated, and the tales they tell of Anaya Bloodarrow are dark and grim and bloody.

    Her turning was one of the most epic moments in my roleplaying life. And she still hunts my mind and dreams every now and then, tortured by what she has become, bemoaning the loss of loved ones long dead while she prowls Khorvaire.
    skip_intro and Scyrax like this.
  17. Woelrat

    Woelrat Kobold

    This made me lol for real. I can totally see a Orc with a bowler and monocle drinking tea with his pinky raised.
  18. Rantrah

    Rantrah Kobold

    Back when I played WoW, I tended to favor a Tauren Warrior. I was usually the second option for tanking raids. I had gotten rather adept at tanking Karazhan, as our small guild was not well equipped enough to handle much more.
    I had not attended the raid this particular evening due to lack of planning, as well as the desire to train a new tank. I had managed to get on and was just mucking about and chatting with some guildies on Ventrilo when I received a whisper from the Main tank of the guild, who was in the middle of the raid; "Do you have a second? I think I might need a hand with Kara"
    "Actually yeah I'm here, what do you need?" I replied.
    "We're at the Prince(main boss for those unfamiliar), we haven't started but I need to go and if I leave everyone else is stranded. Is there any way you could be summoned and finish the run for everyone?" He said.
    "Yeah of course I can. I can come in whenever. Is everything ok? Is something wrong?" I said.
    His response; (I'm paraphrasing in order to keep this relatively family friendly) "Everything's fine, I'm just going to go spend some 'quality time' with my girlfriend. I'd much rather do that than be here playing video games. I've got priorities. Thanks for the help"
    I proceeded to teleport in and tank the final boss of the raid cold, with no preparation. I'll also never forget where games fall in the hierarchy of priorities lol.
  19. ColdChaos

    ColdChaos Kobold

    My favorite moment was, when I created an own version of a D&D game for me and my friend (because we've been to lazy to learn the proper rules yet (I'm working on it D:)) and the greatest threat in the dungeon was our archer.
    He did throw a 1 four times in a row! And everytime he was just standing at the back of our bard. So I decided to let him shoot the bard - who almost died after some shots!
    After a while the party found a room full of deadly traps and a treasure and they had to decide to send one of them in there - and they did send the archer! And again ...he threw a 1 and wasn't even able to see the treasure in the room, before
    dying a hilarious death by spikes from the ground! :D

    I guess we never laughed so hard at him, until then! ^_^
  20. SocialSystem

    SocialSystem Kobold

    I always remember my very first pen and paper game. I was a vagabond with some basic elemental magics. The group I was with had just recently been hired by the local lord to wipe out the orcs troubling the peasents nearby. I joined the group when I met them by the roadside, they having just recently dealt with a small orc and kobold ambush. I was hired on to provide a little more support and as a vagabond, any work is good work. One of the orcs was unconsious from combat and it was decided that he should be interrogated to discover where the main camp was.

    One character decided to begin chopping members off of the orc while screaming for information, while he did that I was healing the orci by caturising the wounds as they opened while the GM screamed dice roll after dice roll.
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