Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Rebel7284

    Rebel7284 Ogre

    Amulet Of Blades - Crap
    Berian's Locket - Tokenless glob is useful, not sure it's worth the 2500
    Bloodchopper - This seems like a fun weapon for a mobile warrior. Go go Dwarfnado! Opinions?
    Bloody Command - Have one and am not impressed with it over Trainee Command. I don't usually run Warrior/Warrior/Cleric teams though.
    Clowen's Boots - Crap
    Garalem's Boots - Crap
    Gauixl's Sacred Maquah - Healing Hand Mace seems better. Regardless, two gold tokens seems too much.
    Inara's Boots - Crap
    Kelharin's Clogs - I have them and Randy keeps offering me more.. they ARE an amazing item, but I already have a single blue token Team Run available from other boots.
    Luke's Iron Hand- I like Ring Of Appropriation more.
    Lt. Morrison's Helmet - I didn't even notice that I already have one. I heard it's good. I should test it out.
    Pirate's Rapier - Seems pretty good for a two blue token item. High mobility and range 2 attacks.

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
  2. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

    I think bloodchopper is pretty good.
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

  4. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Bloodchopper is one I want but only for the surprise of it. Very little chopping going on in MP since only rarely do players bunch up enough to get the chop in and it usually requires you to face 2 melee characters at once. With proper nimbusing it could be fun.

    I just got a Lt. Morrison, I want to check it out myself, dodge is a fan favorite in MP since even though it is a coin flip you get to flip that coin again and again unless you need to use the steps or get forced to discard.
    Unless you were specifically looking for a Berian's not the ideal item for a Legendary purchase. I use it often enough since stone spikes is a stop plus damage attachment and Glob is one of the best damaging spells in the game (but armor mitigates it quite a bit). But there are other tokenless legendaries with 2 stone spikes and if you are looking for burning you want at least 2 if not 3 burning spells on it.
  5. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

  6. kyokasuigetsu

    kyokasuigetsu Kobold

    Well, I´m no expert, but I would try to give you some feedback.

    Blue Destruction is pretty neat for a wiz. It bypass Resistant Hide's inmunity, no LoS needed and very consistant draw. Perfect for a wiz and better if buffed. And, looks like with the new balance wizards may be dominating the MP so it´s a good buy imo.
    Bynzer's Weighted Club looks nice. I mean, I don´t know if I would buy it, but it has 2 buffs and 4 barges which may prove very useful. However, it requieres 2 blue token so it might not be that good of a deal given the low damage.
    Kristoph's Skull I´m even less experienced with vamps,but this one seems to fit. Best vamps attacks (arguably with invigorating) and D-block's little brother. It can be an unpleasant surprise. Problem is, Spear Of Darkness is going to be nerfed, so you´d rather save your gold.

    Rest of Legendaries didn´t ring the bell to me.

    About the Epics, I like Tauri's Watery Maze. Would buy it for myself. It´s a little too control wizard orientated, but that's a kind of build I'd like to try out someday. Badjeera's Black Relic also looks fit on vamps. Tokenless and good firepower. It´s cheaper than Hand Of Melvelous so not a bad choice overall.

    Those would be my pick;)

    And now that we´re on it... What do you think of Sundersong? Worth the money?
  7. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I love General Jelom's Helm. It's one of the very first "good" legendaries I got back in the days and certainly among the ones I used (and still use) the most. A lot of people will tell you spending a major for a helm is not something optimal for a warrior (and they would be right, for the most part) but, if lots of damage absorption via armor is what you're looking for, that's probably one of your best choices. Couple it with Barbed Platemail or similar for the greatest synergy.

    It is quite costly, especially on the tokens side. But: if you are looking for armor removal and you are trying to build a wizard-less party, that's probably one of the best options. The damage output is quite decent too.

    In fact I'm evaluating buying it myself (Randi has it on display for me as well this week). My other choices:
    - the Beater: I have one already, still so sexy
    - Brin's Storm Locket: My FS farming party is doing perfectly fine without it. Still a very good item.
    - Quellic's Boots:
    - Quick Jon's Buckler + Shield Of Ultimate Dodging: just before Dodge gets nerfed down to useless? Thank you Randi :mad:
    - Smoag's Bucket Of Pitch: Have a couple copies of this already.
    - Sundersong: yeah.
    - Vibrant Pain: maybe when Nimble Strike was oh-so-OP

    Now to the stingy bit. I have 4K gold and change in the bank. And I need to save up in order to buy the xmas stuff. I hope I have the time for some serious farming during the week.
    kyokasuigetsu likes this.
  8. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

    Bandreus likes this.
  9. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I think that's a great idea.
  10. kyokasuigetsu

    kyokasuigetsu Kobold

    Thanks Bandreus, you´ve convinced me into buying it hehe. I' ll have to save a little gold for Xmas though hehe. Hope for a horrible daily deal week hehe.

    Well I have both. Enchanted Harness is really good especially when you have two in hand or other armor like Barbed Plate. However, when I use a major token on a helmet I usually try to get some team move dash/sprint. But that's just me hehe. If I had to choose between buying a second copy of one, I think I'll go for the staff.
  11. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

  12. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

    Sir Veza likes this.
  13. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Congrats Fdrybob. I'd lova a Staff Of A Million Embers, I've been farming for it since... forever.

    Anyways, that was a close call. Jelom's and Blue Destruction are both very fancy items, I'm glad you were able to find out which one you liked the most out of the two ;)
    FDrybob likes this.
  14. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    Some thoughts?

    Beater - The Strongarm looks better.. same dmg for 1 token les?
    Berian's Locket - Looks nice, but I'm not sure is it any useful in MP .. I prefer Asmod's
    Hand Of Melvelous - how much hands does Vampire team need?
  15. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I've got Beater but my single token weapon of choice is still Maquah Of Ancient Blood.
    I would say that Berian's Locket is more necessary evil than useful. Very few tokenless arcane items have no weak cards. That said, I'd prefer Asmod's Telekinetic Chain too.
    If you want a ranged vamp then you want as many Hands and Glasod's Dark Skulls as you can get. I think most vamps are fine using Wunna's Vampiric Shroud and Flax's Thirsty Vial though.
  16. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Keep in mind though, the Beater will benefit greatly from Crusher. Do of that what you will.

    Other than that, yeah lot's of different options and flavors available.
    FDrybob likes this.
  17. Rebel7284

    Rebel7284 Ogre

  18. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    It looks like Dodge is going to receive a much lesser nerf than what originally planned. It's going to be not-as-good as it is right now, but not horribly so.

    I can't say if the Club is going to be worth it even after the next round of balance changes land on the live server though. Maybe you should hop onto the test server and play around with it some.

    Also very important to keep in mind: as far as I know, the balance changes are not yet set in stone, so things can potentially change further. Do any shopping for items which are likely to be changed in a next patch at your own risk.
    FDrybob likes this.
  19. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    The final (or at least the next) version of dodge is undetermined, but I wouldn't spend gp until it's settled.
    Yep. The Strongarm is at the top of the tokenless weapons, The Beater (one level higher) is at the low end of the minor token weapons. The Beater is still pretty good, and the ones I've farmed are handy if I have an extra minor token floating around. (Also, it took me 14 months to drop a Strongarm. I still haven't seen one in Randi's. YMMV.)
  20. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    So this just reminds me that I want a Strongarm and Assnod's Chain

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