Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I get the two names mixed up. I fixed it.
  2. Rebel7284

    Rebel7284 Ogre

    Did you negate something in the second post or has your opinion changed or, perhaps, I am reading it wrong.
  3. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I did not want to say that you shouldn't buy it. That wasn't what I said or meant originally. I will edit it again to reflect my original post but it will look weird.
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    (Not naming names here.)

    I think that people can and should express conflicting opinions in this thread. Preferably in the future you guys can do it without arguing with each other. Some folks in this thread are never going to see eye-to-eye because certain elements have decided that changing one's opinion in a debate is impossible no matter the evidence. Given this impasse I would strongly suggest that you guys stop trying to change each other's minds.


    If Person A gives Advice X, and Person B thinks Advice Y is better, simply state such. There is no need to spend 2 pages of forum posts campaigning against Advice X. Simply make yourself heard, and move on.
    CT5, Accent, wavy and 1 other person like this.
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Flaxative, I was trying to stop that. I've even suggested to move the discussion to the separate thread. But people still wrote their opinions here :(

    Finally, going to the original topic: Rebel7284, I'm not saying that Bloody Stoutness is a "must buy", though I'm saying it's a good buy if you would ever want to build a dwarf with more blocks than usual. You may use Advanced Toughness instead, but Bloody Stoutness is better, especially for the warriors, and there are no other alternatives. If you value personal experience more than the theory, please keep in mind that I've actually bought it and use it all the way in SP, unlike peonprop :)
  6. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    I have Red Flame available this week. I never play wizards in MP, but ever since I picked up White Flame and Staff Of The Fire God I've been messing around with a burning wizard in SP and it's pretty fun, enough that I'm considering trying one out in MP. As usual I only have enough gold for one legendary. Is it enough of an upgrade over White Flame to be worth picking up?
  7. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    If you have White Flame, you don't need Red Flame anymore. You need Staff Of Million Embers :)
  8. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I like the Red Flame, but to make a competitive MP fire wiz it get expensive. The nice thing about the Red Flame is it has the 2 key cards Ember Burst and Instant Burn, but if you can't load up on arcane items with burning (and you must use the three Firestarter Arcane Item Focused Pyromancy) it makes it less powerful. Now I would agree that Fireball is better than Ember Burst But the issue is the items with Fireball are less focused, which can negate the utility. Add to that purge has become more popular in MP with the rise of the fire wiz and nimbus builds it can be a tough go.

    So what I am saying is Red Flame is sweet, but I wouldn't buy it unless it was the final piece of the puzzle since the best burning items are epic and legendary.

    If you want to give it a go try matching the White Flame with the Staff of the fire God, max out burning arcane items and see if you like it. Items with Flame Jet and Glob of flame are the best since they have decent range and do burning 3, Flame Spit and Sizzling Bolt are good but only on staves (Instant Burn, Fireball and Ember Burst only on staves as well). Magma Spray is okay (limited range) but you already have 2 on the Staff of the Fire God (which is the weakness of that staff) and the other fire cones are pretty weak. Instant Burn is a game changer when you have enough other cards attached to trigger and is still pretty mean when you have Fire Starter on your wiz. If you wanna go Firestorm it can be awesome but it makes Instant Burn much more dangerous to use, I would use with caution (or avoid completely).
    Melancthon likes this.
  9. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Just for my 2 cents in the Bloodied Block vs. Desperate Block debate.
    I prefer Bloodied due to the reliability factor. Yes it can be triggered by weaker attacks and if you are at full health you are screwed but it is a strategic advantage knowing you will block the next blockable attack.
    To do a full numerical analysis is tough because of the special condition meaning you would need to make an assumption on the frequency of being at full health and the even more difficult the amount of damage potentially blocked.
    To make it easy I will assume that 10% of the time full health prevents the special condition from triggering.
    Now for attacks damage can range from 1 to 20+ but what matters most is 4 or less or 5+.
    so (0+1+2+3+4)/4 = 2.5 let's say these account for 35% of attacks
    for 5-20 I will just assume the average is 10 points for the other 65% of the attacks.
    The average damage blocked based on these assumptions is 6.9 for the Bloodied vs. 3.25 for the Desperate.
    Even if you flipped to 65% low vs 35% 5+ and raise the 5+ to an average of 12 it works out to 5.4 vs. 2.1 since 50% is risky at best.

    There are times when having the desperate makes sense vs. bloodied since people tend to test attack but in the best situation it is a coin flip, which is better than having your block gone already but across the duration of a match relying on a desperate to save you is a coin flip and I've lost too many coin flips in my day.

    Duck can be awesome on a wiz because it can be unexpected, but people are usually worried about Toughness so it is rare to go all-out on the first attack on a D-wiz so you can wind up triggering on weak sauce. What it can do is discourage attacking a certain character, but is a coin flip just like Desperate Block, and well I am not a fan of coin flips.
  10. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

    Unless your priest has problems with storm wizards, I'd say Cintxotl Mail has it beat.
  11. Accent

    Accent Hydra

  12. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

  13. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    Troll's Ire


    The Lunginator

    Tough choice. I can PROBABLY get enough gold up by the end of the week to get both, but which should I buy first?
  14. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    Don´t buy the Hammer, is is far from worth 2 major token. The epic Healing Hand Mace is far superior.
    The cup is nice but you get Glob of Flame from other items like Rantic's Orb Of Inner Fire.
    One Skull and one Illusion are usually enough but it does not hurt to have two to have more flexibility for certain builds.
    As for the Deadly Staff, one is more than enough.

    Red Jon's Staff is the best tokenless staff imo, it is great for low level SP and if you need to free 2 token for a certain MP build there is not a better Staff with that damage potential and usefulness. Berian's Locket is a good tokenless item, it can fit in many builds.

    There were already many post about Troll's Ire and the usual answer is that it is not worth is, you have 3 traits and 3 mediocre attacks which can be destroyed by armor removal. As for the The Lunginator, it is a good weapon for the token cost.
  15. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Unless you have an excess of gold, or see something on the list that really strikes your fancy or fits your build, I recommend waiting for something better.
  16. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    Are you confusing Troll's Ire with some other weapon? Troll's Ire hasn't got 3 traits nor anything that armor removal is good against.

    IMHO Troll's Ire is really good; when it comes to sundering strike, there's only one other weapon that has it with only minor power tokens. Unlike Marblehilt Blade, the Troll's Ire doesn't come with bad cards.
  17. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    Yes, i mistook it for Crazy Sal's Halberd.
    And about Troll's Ire, as a weapon with two minor token, i compare it to Infused Greatclub or as a weapon with strength 8 attacks i look at The Strongarm. It is quite the good weapon but the alternatives are better imho.
  18. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    Greatclub is cheap. Too bad it has 4 not so good cards, unlike Troll's Ire.
    Strongarm definitely is the best tokenless weapon.

    Still I can see several levels that Troll's Ire shines more than Infused Greatclub or Strongarm; remember that removing opponents armor cards makes your other party members attacks that much better.

    Both weapons that you mention are good and I use them all the time. I don't have Troll's Ire, but would love to get one and I'm sure I'd use it a lot on those SP levels, where you haven't got major power tokens to spent on weapons.
  19. kyokasuigetsu

    kyokasuigetsu Kobold

    Hi there people! It´s my first post in the forums, but I really need feedback with this weeks randimar´s items. I´ve alredy bought Miligar´s dragon tounge and Skull of Savage Iljin this week, they were like instant buy giving I didn´t have neither, but there are still items picking my interest.

    • Asmod´s Telekinetic Chain
    • Knife of St. Blenko
    • Boxton´s Razorstaff
    The one I´m trouble the most is the razorstaff. I have enough gold for all of them but I´m not sure if they´re worth the price. So, any feedback?
    Thanks beforehand :)
  20. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    I'd never buy the razorstaff. If I want Path of Knives, I'd rather buy Booming Rings or even Bloody Bracelets.

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