Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

  2. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

    Depends on whether you need another item with one SSR, I'd say.
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    It's that much better. The art of deckbuilding includes not just having the good cards in your deck, but also not having the weak cards like Zap. I would spend some money on the amulet.
  4. Inkfingers

    Inkfingers Thaumaturge

  5. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    It is worth farming gold for it.
  6. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    I could have when it was the only playable tokenless elf skill but now we both know it's mission impossible :p

    Yup, didn't check the card, I thought he was talking about the 9 damages spark + 2 cycling traits. Should have realised the one I was refering to was uncommon. So ya definitly skiping this one.
  7. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I don't use any of these 3 often, but Vira's Chain would be my top pick. 3 very useful cards for a minor token.
    e-stab likes this.
  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    A quite good Firestorm item. I use it from time to time. Not the best one, of course, but two sliding effects are very nice to have.
    Generally isn't good enough, especially as you already have one. There are better weapons for that tokens.

    If you don't have it, grab it. It's very good, especially for an elf warrior.

    A good SPR item with no weak cards.

    I'd say the Panoply comes the first, then Vira's Chain, and then Banik's Bauble if you have the gold.
    e-stab likes this.
  10. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

    Sir Veza likes this.
  11. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    OK so here I go:
    Illusion- seems cool but I'm not sure what I will use it for.
    Ferocity - Raging Rock is about equal to this, and I have 3 Raging Rock I use all the time. It's a question of Violent Spin VS Toughness- but it's gonna cost me 2500 g to find out if Violent Spin is better.
    Robes Of White Wylla I know that Cotton Wizard's Robes are basically better, but it's actually tempting.

    Staff Of The Inferno (have 3) I use level 4 FS wizards so I'm not sure if I need another. Plus I got Wym's Lavastaff last week so...
    White Katana (have 1) Annnnd I lack anything else with Shredding Strike, so...
  12. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Just two to decide on this week.

    Cintxotl Mail I really like this and I think i will buy it either way but i wanted the communities perspective

    Ravenna's Incense Less enthused about this one, but the Inspired Pressence on a tokenless item does give me pause. What do you guys think?

    Thanks for the input as always
  13. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

    Illusory Barrier can be used for firestorm farming - not sure I'd pay 2.500 gp for it though.
    Note that Arcane Shell has armor with Keep while Arcane Aura hasn't! I'd buy it.
    Cintxotl Mail is great mail for priests IMHO. Buy it! :)
    Depends on your playstyle I guess. I have one or two of them and rarely use them.
  14. Inkfingers

    Inkfingers Thaumaturge

    Illusion is so much fun! If it showed up in my shop, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. There are so many fun things you can get up to with Illusory Barrier...

    As for Ravenna's Incense, I'd probably pass. While it is a tokenless Inspiring Presence, the card lacks any kind of focus - if you're running for the Inspiring Presence, you generally don't want to be close enough to use Sapping Touch, and the Cleansing Presence is almost impossible to use effectively. 2 dead cards for 1 good one is not a trade I'd make, even on a tokenless.
  15. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I haven't used it, but it looks interesting. I'd buy it.
    I've found 7 copies, and never used any of them. I looks like it might be useful in the 2 SP geomancer adventures, but I farm those daily and use other things instead. I'm interested to see if someone pipes up with a really good use for it.
  16. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

  17. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    I have found that i use my Raging Rock to much greater effect than Ferocity. Personally i feel that Toughness is one of the best cards in the game, and while Violent Spin can be a role player in a specific build, i cant see many situations where it beats Toughness. I can see the value of Violent Spin on a MP map with one central checkpoint, but it feels like it is much more situational than Toughness. Just my 2 cents, im certainly not an uber pro player.
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Well, that's obvious: the direct damage wizards love Illusory Barrier. You can hit them, while they cannot hit you - what's not to like? I guess the Firestorm team would prefer something armor-melting. Still, this staff is unique and should be bought. Congrats! I wish I'd got something like this too...

    Violent Spin is not "better" or "worse": it's just different. I'd buy this skill despite the price since nothing can replace Violent Spin when you need it. This card is mostly underestimated; a clever player can do wonders with it. In a Triple Duel, for instance, drawing Toughness would be good, but drawing Violent Spin will actually allow you to grab the victory area and win. In many situations, this card will allow you to push the enemy closer to your other chars, ready to kill the victim.

    I have the Robes, but never used it. You can save your gold here.

    No, you don't need all 4 - that would be too many Combustibles. I usually play one Staff of the Inferno + one Torching Staff on each wizard. And I'm drawing enough Firestorms, often even too many :)

    The Katana is very, very good. It has Shredding Strikes _and_ two Dancing Cuts, which are mini-Nimble Strikes. I am planning to replace my Lochaber Axe with it, since people are playing much more armor nowadays. Plus, I don't like the Lochaber Axe :)
  19. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    Legendary (1):
    Porior's Nimble Mace - I already have the Beater and Darune's Dagger at this number of tokens. Beater is really really good and this feels like two steps down.

    Epics (13):
    Axe Of Evasion - Stuck Arrow + move attacks + Dodge seems like teh suck
    Battered Holy Mail
    Gleaming Glaive
    Healing Hand Mace - this seems really good, 2 amazing attacks + 3 (!) team heals. I don't really understand how useful big attacks are on a support priest
    Magnetic Shield - have one already, haven't used it. Doesn't seem good on paper.
    Pacifist Trickery - I have Risky Trickery already, but only one. However Risky Trickery seems better
    Perfect Flexibility - from past discussion this pretty much isn't good
    Quornic's Armor
    Robe Of Useful Things
    Spitting Flames
    Staff Of Blazing Sparks - It does have the highest number of Volcanos on an Epic or lower item, but Wym's and Mordecai's look better
    Ulalia's Boots - I don't know whether it's good or not, but I want one for some reason.
    Waenog's White Chain

    Notable (?) Rares (45):
    Flametouched Spear - Any good for drawback quests?
    Incense Of Roiled Air - Doesn't seem bad
    Rageblood Dagger - Poor man's Vibrant Pain?
    Trembling Staff - Only have 1 right now.
  20. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    That's a great illustration for my post, Jade303 :)
    Krodis, the Toughness is obviously good and "one of the best cards in the game". But what makes you think that Violent Spin isn't one of the best cards in the game? It isn't as situational as you may think, since you can always "shoot" your team forward with it - I've did that many times on the first turn of the game, and that allowed me to grab the victory areas faster. And it's probably the only card that allows you to push two enemy chars away from the victory area and move there yourself - all in one action.
    If you have the good armor, Toughness isn't going to do much for you besides of reducing your deck. But nothing can replace Violent Spin - especially if you don't have wizards in your team.
    Last edited: May 18, 2014

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