Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. CKaz

    CKaz Goblin Champion

    Axander's Twisted Circlet is out there for me, ah but I'm cash strapped (really never have much, breaking 100/keeping it over that is tough, this is 500)

    - I have 100 Pizza, is it worth tossing (all) of my leftovers at it?
    - As a lack-of-time casual/but like to play hardcore as much as possible, I found buying the expansion elves by far the most lucrative jolt in the arm to date
    --> I'm tempted to pick up that set 1-2 more times instead frankly, or hope beyond hope another souped up MP team/expansion team will be in the offing soon

    My immediate interest is one of these was played against me - just one of the cards - and it was devastating.
    [I lucked out and my remaining elf warrior went absolutely bat-nutz-berserk-crazy and killed 2 of my enemies party for the win, but 2 cards with 2 card loss for 1 blue token? gimme...]
  2. Short Perplexing Ray is one of the best cards in the game. It can totally save your wizard's soft squishy buns when warriors come to squish him. It can also be used to support warriors by stripping a target of movement/armor/blocks so that they are left defenseless. I buy every SPR item I see until I have a set, and the one you see sitting before you in Randimar's is one of the best. There are several other good ones with multiple SPR:

    Bewlin's Baffling Bauble 3x SPR for yellow token
    Arcade's Amber Amulet 2x SPR for blue token
    Farzil's Perplexing Horn 2 x SPR for yellow token, PLUS the 8 range Perplexing Ray

    Go farm the level 6 diamond mines - they yield more treasure that you can sell. I farm approximately 2500gp a week once I pare my collection down. You can do 400gp! There are helpful farming threads that you can look to for guidance.
  3. CKaz

    CKaz Goblin Champion

    Thanks Susurrus, and after my latest tries I agree - got my first 200GP treasure between the Diamond Mines and White Star, I think previously my max had been 40GP.

    I had heard of doing this and now that I'm seeing results I'll have to keep it up - I think it's a bit odd/counter-intuitive though, so these a couple of the only spots that give you gold across the entire campaign?

    Frankly having more (or any) gold coming in along the way, either per multiple maps or end of each module, would seem a bit more balanced/ideal/less need to farm lvl 6 maps.
    There aren't a lot of gold sinks that need it so on one hand I get it, but on another hand it providing for a little more gold revenue (and heck, usage) sounds like some nice potential adds to me.

    I would think the Randimar regular (or chest gambler) would approve in particular :)

    edit - so half way there now, sounds like sometime Sunday is reset time? thanks for thoughts!
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  4. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Every adventure can drop treasure, but the two Kobold maps have special loot tables that drop more treasure than anywhere else. And, because treasures have their gold value based off of rarity and not the item level, you get more gold playing lower easier levels faster. As far as farming goes, to truly farm play only the first level of the adventure, then leave and come back and play the first level again, and again, and again - this way it doesn't lock you out for 24 hours upon completing the 3rd stage - it is as boring as all get out though! As you accumulate better farming items (think firestorm) you'll be able to run it faster and faster.

    Randimar will reset at 00:00 UTC Sunday (or if you prefer local time and know when your played adventures reset to unlocked each day, it'll be at that time on Saturday).
  5. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    These 2 level 6 maps have treasures as a drop about 42% of the time, every other adventure has treasures as a drop 15% of the time.
    So it's possible to get gold from every adveture but these 2 level 6 ones simply drop a lot more gold.
  6. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Recently came back to the game and trying to wrap my head around the new cards/meta.

    Randimar's teasing me with the Staff Of The Fire God (my pyromancer might like it...) and Novice Crushing (the only tokenless skill with Crusher).
    Flaxative likes this.
  7. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    Get them both. Well worth the 600 gold.
  8. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

  9. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Bandreus likes this.
  10. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    I still cant get over the fact that they put not one but 3 epic items to be available in the starter set, including the overpowered Whiteglow Flail you mentioned. It turns into a no-brainer that other sets cannot compare.

    Of course they get more sales that way, but at least they could try to balance it by including highly sought rares (like Slippery Shield) instead of epic.
    Bandreus likes this.
  11. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    I remember them posting in some patch thread that they are going to buff other starter packs too. Hasn't happened so far though.
  12. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Oh snap :eek: should have checked the starter packs before purchasing the staff :oops:
  13. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    No problem: you may use two Staves of the Fire god too.
    Bandreus likes this.
  14. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

  15. I walked in to Randimar's this week. I asked him "Do you have anything good for sale?"
    This was his reply:
    neoncat likes this.
  16. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Got some interesting epics that i need to pick and choose on with only 1k to spend.

    Simin's Glowing Mirror : tokenless SPR with stone spikes seems good, zap is mostly a dead card but not useless.

    Wuuna's Vampiric Shroud : I think i will get this for my vamp build no matter what as i dont think there is a better vamp tokenless. Interestingly i have a Flax's Thirsty Vial , why are these items duplicates?

    Xochu's Icy Circlet one blue token for two cone of cold seems good. I dont play wiz much so i always need wiz item input

    Thanks guys. Hope you got good stuffs!
  17. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    There are some items that came in Halloween that are duplicates of other items. The Thirsty Vial may be one of them. I believe the devs called it that way because of Flaxative. If you don't know who he is, he is the one that created the vamp build. He is a vampire lover :p Oh, and you should get 3 of them for your vampire build, it's essential for it.

    Simin's Glowing Mirror is a nice item, everything tokenless and with a SPR is welcomed. The other one may be the best blue token item with 2 Cone of Cold, but even if you used a wizard I think there are much better options than Cone of Cold. Just my opinion.
  18. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    If I recall correctly, Blue Manchu created Flax's Thirsty Vial as a special thank you to Flaxative for creating and running the Peasant Tournament. He champions vampires, thus the choice of item to duplicate.
    LeisureSuitLoli likes this.
  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    This is nice, but I use it mainly for SP and the special maps like Chess Madness where one Stone Spikes may block the narrow lane. Having a tokenless item is usually good, but the Wizards usually spend a lot of tokens on Arcane Items, as there are good staves for 0-1 tokens. Plus, the Zap is really bad, as you cannot use it in "good" situation (you aren't going to move that close to the enemy, are you?), and it isn't powerful enough to save you in the bad situation. When you would really need a tokenless SPR item, Befuddling Stone wouldn't be much worse, and sometimes even better: a Force Bolt or Maze may save your life.

    This is the one of the best vampire priest's items, don't miss it!

    This is the best two-Cone item, all three cards are great. Moreover, it's one of the few good items with Force Cannon, which I'd happily have in large quantities. A must have. If you manage to get 2-3 Circlets, you will get a very powerful control without having to equip Frosty Staffs or Staff Of Winter. Cone Of Cold may be not the best freezing effect, but it's the only one you can get in large numbers on the non-staff items.

    The choice is really obvious here: Wuuna's Vampiric Shroud and Xochu's Icy Circlet cannot be missed, while the Glowing Mirror can :)
    Last edited: May 11, 2014
  20. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Thanks Randimar, you were kind to me this week! Barnum's Burning Bauble - another nice fire item to my collection. I'd prefer a tokenless two-Firestorm item of course, but Flame Jet is a nice card, especially rare for a Firestorm wizard who cannot use Trembling Staffs. I've also got a second pair of Sliding Boots!

    There are some debatable items too:

    Perilous Agility. Can anybody tell me how this can be used? I feel that any tokenless legendary skill should have its implementation, but this one boils my humble brain. Why should an Elf need Dangerous Maneuver? And what Elf would need so many movement cards at all?

    Coruscating Mail. I've got one, but never used it. Now I feel that it's probably the best anti-Firestorm armor in the game. Plus, Dynamic Armor is a unique card, allowing an emergency boost for a dwarf warrior. Should I buy the second one or not, what do you think?
    Dark Chain Shirt. Looks like a nice tokenless armor for a vampire priest. Glowing Hide Armor has the better attack, but much weaker armor.
    Sharp Shell. Generally worse than my Wex's Mail, but should be better for the Golden Shrine, where every bit of movement counts. Or not?
    Trained Toughness. Is it the skill you would use for a Firestorm wizard? Maybe Perfect Toughness is better?
    Last edited: May 11, 2014

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