Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Bearson Onyx

    Bearson Onyx Goblin Champion

  2. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

  3. Moogle Stiltzkin

    Moogle Stiltzkin Mushroom Warrior

  4. Martin K

    Martin K Goblin Champion

    I just bought a Flaming Sword. Not bad for a 2 blue weapon. I also got a Mail Of Absorption and a Possessed Blade.

    I now need to decide between Novice Stoutness and Raging Rock. Opinions? I don't have money for both :(
    Oh, and I was blessed with Untrained Footwork. A non-suicidal non-token elf skill. Yay. 500 gp well spent. Looks like it's epic race skill week at Randimar's.

    The legendaries are an easy pass though. Luke's Hand (some lame Star Wars in-joke?) and the good but too expensive Fabrian's Shield. I'd save for it if Stuck Arrow would count as a handicap, for the quests, but it doesn't.

    They also have Xander's Boots but I'd rather have Ulalia's Boots. Probably pass.

    I could still get a Twilight Talisman, Corpselight Charm, Peacock Boots and Steel Boots Of The Bull, but then I'd be broke :(
  5. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

    Blind Rage counts as a handicap card if that's important for you. Duck is powerful, but the two other cards on Novice Stoutness aren't.

    I've been waiting for one like this for some time now. Most non-token elf skills are suicidal indeed.

    Corpselight Charm isn't that good in my eyes. I have Twilight Talisman but don't use it anymore. And there's plenty of other good boots with a major token.
  6. Moogle Stiltzkin

    Moogle Stiltzkin Mushroom Warrior

    i was thinking the same thing.... oh well.... i had 6k after i sold a legendary crown treasure, so no worries. this my mp build with the xander's in it now.


    corpselight charm and twilight talisman are beaten thoroughly by

    Shielding Token > Medallion Of St. Vigus

    because the whole point of it is to stack as many nimbus as you can. cheaply the better, so you can use the gold tokens elsewhere, like in the weapon slots (2), and the remainder on either a slippery shield, an armor, or boots.

    This is for MP mind. For SP, i use shielding token hands still hands down.

    on the otherhand, if your stacking 3 priests, maybe they can be placeholders until you get the cheaper better versions i mentioned ? (doubtful)
  7. Martin K

    Martin K Goblin Champion

    @e-stab: Thanks, I thought about it again. I bought Novice Stoutness. I'm actually a fan of Officer's Harness. I already own Trait Stoutness but with 2x Hit The Deck it's unusable on any map where you need to be mobile.

    Untrained Footwork definitely was the haul of the week.

    I also skipped the charm and the talisman. I was only looking for new stuff, so I didn't see that there was a Shielding Token. So I bought my second one today.

    Good point about the boots, you don't want to use a yellow token there unless they are really amazing. Flight Aura is good but too situational.

    That said, I could also buy a second Ochre Robes and Infused Greatclub. This weeks Randimar has been very kind to me.
  8. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

    Infused Greatclub is great for SP (level 8+) and MP unless you have even better weapons.
  9. tempo

    tempo Kobold

    Two legendaries this week:

    Mordecai's Staff Of Magma - 2500 g - Oh... my... goodness... :eek: If only I had the gold!!
    Hand-held Ram - 2500 g - This seems completely too expensive for what it does.
  10. Mirkel

    Mirkel Goblin Champion

    Some legendaries are famous - some are notorious.
  11. Finial

    Finial Orc Soldier

    Soooooo many interesting items to consider. I already picked up a second Infused Greatclub and Advanced Ferocity.

    Still considering the following with my ~1k. Though I can likely farm a bit more before the week is done.

    Axamander's Ringmail - Arrogant Armor seems like an interesting option these days
    Farzil's Perplexing Horn - Excellent wizard defense
    Flaming Sword - Interesting combo, not a huge fan of chops in MP though
    Keen Baselard - Looks amazing for no tokens
    Barbarian's Club - Seems a bit weak for a level 18 rare?
    Crusty Helm - My next best no token helm is Shaman's Felt Cap
    Trained Stoutness - I have a Novice Stoutness that seems as good/better already

    Interested in your thoughts. :) Thanks!
  12. Lusus121

    Lusus121 Goblin Champion

    Perplexing Horn is Great.
  13. Nighters

    Nighters Kobold

    My best thing from chest, when i finished challenge is this: Dwarven Panatellas and i sell it:D
    Moogle Stiltzkin likes this.
  14. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

  15. Eton

    Eton Mushroom Warrior

  16. Mirkel

    Mirkel Goblin Champion

    The Hackmaster in my shop. Of course, I have no gold to buy it. Unless I'm super-lucky with treasure drops this week (and I'm not even playing that much these days), I'll probably just get that Hylithia's Wand the shop also has.
  17. Moogle Stiltzkin

    Moogle Stiltzkin Mushroom Warrior

    in a week i can make 2.5k easy. what i do is sp farmin all the available modules (i just complete all without stopping one short to repeat over and over like some people do.)

    for mp i do max 3 gold chest. you can do more if you feel like it.

    But if you do that each day for a week, you will have enough to get the hack master. do not pass it up, it's very good.

    i posted by 8k+ gold shopping spree this week on the new randimar reset
  18. Mirkel

    Mirkel Goblin Champion

    I could probably farm the necessary gold, but I've learned that if I farm a lot in a game I just end up hating the game. Farming 2k gold in a week would just make me cranky, a virtual item isn't worth that. A little farming is relaxing but won't get me the gold needed unless I just happen to get two legendary treasures. C'est la vie.
  19. Sisquinanamook

    Sisquinanamook Orc Soldier

    Hi there,
    this is my second week shopping in Randimar's Rarities and I firmly believe I have absolutely no clue what exactly I am doing there.
    I am running a pure Dwarven Team: 2 Wizards (more or less control wizards) and one Cleric (to support the Wizards with Heal and Carddrawing). It's still a WiP.

    [L] Smoag's Bucket Of Pitch - 5000g (I won't buy this it is too expensive and I don't know what I should do with it)

    [E] Sarigo's Rod - 500g (I consider buying this one)
    [R] Lucent Talisman - 200g (I am already farming gold for this one.)

    There are a few others maybe.
    For example there are some Shields with (maybe/not) good Blocking Cards:
    [E] Shield Of The Tumbler -1000g
    [E] Bloody Shield - 500g
    [E] Bullseye Shield - 500g

    And some Boots:
    [R] Magic Monkey Boots - 200g
    [R] Crafted Monkey Boots - 100g

    But I am not that much a fan of Block Cards (I prefer Armor Cards) and my Deck is not that much about running.
    Therefore I am not sure if I should buy any of those.
    Any Input on those Shields and Boots would be much appreciated. :)

  20. Eton

    Eton Mushroom Warrior

    1. Link fixed. You should use "item" rather than "card".
    2. Probably your character level in campaign mode is not high enough, so that the prices you see is too high.

    All items would be 2500g for legendary, 500g for epic, and 100g for rare.

    To your question, I think only the Sarigo's Rod is really worth buting, you can find better substitutes for others.

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