Quick Draw deck combos

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Lord Feleran, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    What you will need:
    a) a Priest with Inspiring Armor and enough traits/attachment cards
    b) some other character with Push The Button / Pull The Trigger and enough traits/attachment cards
    Activate your PtB/PtT.
    Go in with your priest.
    Opp will trigger your armor.
    Draw your armor back together with PtB/PtT.
    Activate your PtB/PtT.
    Opp will trigger your armor.
    profit :)


    And yes, I did win that game :)
    What other cool/OP combinations have you achieved in QD?
    Master Goo likes this.
  2. Valadilene

    Valadilene Lizardman Priest

    Impetuous slash; too many traits. My char ended up in a draw loop until hitting the draw limit while triggering impetuous slash multiple times. I was lacking an enemy next to me though :(.
  3. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

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