Purging Burst doesn't discard handicaps granted by enemies?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by hwango, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. hwango

    hwango Hydra

    Purging Burst says to"Discard all enemy cards and all of your handicap cards attached to affected characters," but it didn't discard the handicaps on my characters from opponents radiation terrain. I understand that those aren't "my handicap cards," but surely they are "enemy cards." Or are they no one's cards because they come from terrain? Would Purging Burst remove a handicap granted by an enemy _attack_, and these strange neutral handicaps are the only ones that can't be purged off?
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    The card's wording may be unclear but it is suppose to discard all enemy attached cards excluding handicaps, and all handicaps attached to allies.
  3. hwango

    hwango Hydra

    OK, I admit I wasn't expecting that to be the case. So be it, then.

    That said, is there some particular reason for this? "I'll remove handicaps...but only your handicaps. And I'll remove enemy cards...except enemy handicap cards." Certainly by the wording I expected it to work differently, and I'm having a hard time seeing why it works the way it does.
    Druidmask and Xayrn like this.
  4. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    It's the EttSC handicap spam. Radiation (and other cards) will give you handicap cards you must play. Once you play them, you own the handicaps.
    The new purges allow you to remove all your handicaps as if they were enemy controlled cards.
    They do not remove handicaps on enemies (including Blind Rage), but do remove positive traits.
    Purging was no help at all during initial testing, and we needed it to be.
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Yes, we will need to clarify the wording on Purge effects again soon. :)
  6. hwango

    hwango Hydra

    ...wait, so Purging really will remove handicaps inflicted by Radiation Bolt, but not handicaps inflicted by Irradiated terrain?
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    It has nothing to do with the source of the handicaps. Purge will remove handicaps on your guys, and won't remove handicaps on your opponents.
  8. hwango

    hwango Hydra

    Then this is officially a bug report again, because that is not what happened. I hit my guy with Purging Burst, and the Burning condition on him went away, but the two handicaps (Clumsy and Mind Leak?) stayed on.
  9. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Yep, that's a bug.
    Flaxative likes this.
  10. haesslicherBob

    haesslicherBob Lizardman Priest

    The same bug occurs vice versa:
    You CAN purge handicaps on enemies (for example if you just want to trigger a block), if one of your guys attached the handicap to them (for example radiation bolt).

    This is quite nuts ;)
  11. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Okay, I went through and tested this extensively...

    There are essentially 3 different ways to get handicap attachments:
    1. Handicaps that are part of your deck
    2. Handicaps from radiation cards that immediately attach, these are all the player available ones:
    3. Handicaps from radiation cards that create the handicap in your hand, and then you click on it to attach, these are monster only cards:
    For group 1:
    Purge effects will remove these handicaps from your allies, but not your enemies.

    For group 2:
    Purge effects will remove these handicaps if the origin of their creation was from an ally radiation card, but not if the origin was an enemy radiation card. Example: If your priest plays Rad Bomb and hits everyone on the map, you can purge the resultant handicap cards from both allies and enemies, but your opponent can't purge them at all.

    For group 3:
    Purge effects will remove these handicaps from your allies, but not your enemies.

    Why is it working this way? As best as I can tell, purge is removing "ally controlled/owned" handicaps but not "enemy controlled/owned." However, control/ownership appears to be determined by who's hand the handicap card came from if the card originates in hand (groups 1 & 3), or who's card created the attachment if it was never in hand (group 2).

    So @Flaxative was right when he corrected me that their purgability is
    but ownership at the moment isn't merely determined by who the card is attached to.

    EDIT: Fwiw, I tried this with Mystical Wyrmhide too and it confirms how I think things are working for ownership. It will reflect handicaps from enemy rad bolts and rad bombs back on the caster, and handicaps from enemy rad terrain it will discard (don't get attached to anyone), but cards created in hand from rad pulse it will not trigger for.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2015
  12. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Further thought: I think the ownership of handicap cards (if I am in fact correct in my assessment of who controls what) is fairly intuitive and therefore I wouldn't recommend changing that. Instead it would seem better to make a tweak to purge effects (purge, purging burst, purging strike, and shrug it off). I think the way to keep them as simple and streamlined as possible would be to go with one of the following:
    1. Purge effects remove all cards from all affected characters.
    2. Purge effects remove all enemy controlled cards and all handicaps (ally and enemy controlled) from all affected characters.
    3. Purge effects only remove enemy controlled cards whether handicaps or not - i.e. revert back to what purge was.
  13. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Or we could make it like what I thought it was which is: Purge effects remove all enemy controlled cards except handicaps on all affected characters, and handicaps(ally and enemy controlled) on affected allied characters.
  14. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Yeah that was my fault, I apparently didn't test it thoroughly enough and originally reported that that was how it worked.
  15. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Reminds me of the time I reported the radiation bug, I did a thorough report on it.
  16. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I want Purge to be as useful as possible. It was odd that Purge couldn't remove radiation inflicted handicaps, if they were controlled by you. The current wording/action doesn't really work though.

    Here's my proposed revision. Purge: "Discard all enemy controlled attachments from target character. If target is an ally, also discard all attached Handicaps.
    karadoc, DunDunDun, Flaxative and 8 others like this.
  17. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Seems like a good solution that is fairly straightforward.

    Of course phrasing will need to be tweaked slightly for the Purging Burst version since it affects, but doesn't target characters. And Shrug It Off will also need a functionality and/or wording change as well.
  18. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    So, that wording still has one weird issue: it will discard handicaps attached to enemies (as they are "enemy controlled attachments").

    Now, I'm thinking of this wording instead:

    "Discard all assist and boost cards attached to target enemy character or discard all attack and handicap cards attached to target ally."

    That seems simple and covers all possibilities nicely... with two exceptions: Icy Block and Hit The Deck. These annoying block cards also attach. One solution is to reclassify them as Block/Handicap and Block/Attack respectively. That might give a nice indication of their function and also slot them into this scheme.

    Xayrn and DunDunDun like this.
  19. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    You did them in reverse order. I believe the change to Hit The Deck which makes it a block/handicap is good.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015
  20. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    If you reclassify them, they become prime for Handicaps quests, so that's a no-go.
    DunDunDun and Pawndawan like this.

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