Pass is OP and needs a nerf

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Qui11, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Qui11

    Qui11 Kobold

    I found Farbs' recent revelations on certain game statistics very interesting, particularly the one showing an almost 7% advantage (.467 vs .533) in going second on the opening turn. This brings home something that I've suspected from spectating high level matches -- Pass is OP and needs a nerf. Going second is like starting off already having passed once. That single disguised pass gives you a 7% edge. I routinely see top players passing multiple times in a row with plenty of cards yet to play and there is NO LIMIT! Even Nimble Strike is limited to a max of 15 cards on your warrior. The use of Pass by top players is not only prolonging games (omg SLOW passing is the WORST) it is suppressing the next tier of players hoping to make it to the big time. When something gets incorporated into EVERY build at the highest level you know there's a problem. Blue Manchu better wake up and realize that the Metagame is broken before everyone goes back to playing Heroes of Might and Magic. Personally, I refuse to abuse Pass on principle, which is why rating is so poor. Some of you will say that because at the mid and lower levels of MP Pass isn't being abused, and since that's where 90% of their customers play, that BM needn't worry about it. Sorry, but if you are saying that, chances are that your ELO is under 1500 and nobody really cares what you think.
  2. Lusus121

    Lusus121 Goblin Champion

    Because this forum is also browsed by 12 year olds with no since of humor I'm going to go ahead and point out that this is satire (sarcastic).
    Sir Veza and Flaxative like this.
  3. Martin K

    Martin K Goblin Champion

    12 year olds can play all night, they don't need sleep, just sugaroverdosed caffeinated soft drinks, while us adults come home tired from work and fall asleep before the third gold chest. 12 year olds are OP and need a nerf.
  4. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Trying be a bit serious, there's some builds that have the advantage of going second, like a fs deck (opponent can draw combustible or vulnerable so he gets more dmg) or a ww-wwe deck (so they waste a move card before u use the whirlwind), others work better going first (triple wizards, to get los, or to counterspell enemy wiz)
    Personally i prefer going second,so i can see what ppl do,where they move etc. if someone passes first without doing anything i usual pass right after. but its just a matter of opinion
  5. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I'm too devastated by the revelation to handle Heroes of Might and Magic. :eek:
    I'm going back to Pool of Radiance. Maybe even Rogue.
  6. Forestal

    Forestal Mushroom Warrior

    Sorry, but I don't get it-- Pass allows you to get the initiative (to go 1st the next round) and the player starting 1st also gets the option to Pass 1st... so how does the player going second winning 53.3% of the time show that Pass is OP, or has any direct correlation to this stat?

    P.S. I get that the Threadstarter is making some kind of joke-- but I cant appreciate the humor if I cant see the logical connection...8^S
  7. Qui11

    Qui11 Kobold

    If I had added (after the second sentence): "Going second is like starting off already having passed once. That single disguised pass gives you a 7% edge." it would have been less obtuse. But still a bit silly.
  8. Movement is overpowered. Being able to change the location of your characters gives players an overwhelming advantage.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  9. Forestal

    Forestal Mushroom Warrior

    Ahh, that explains the thread complaining about step cards and whirlwinds... 8^P
  10. "Pass is OP and need a nerf" 100% true :p

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