Our Monster Name Contest Winners!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Megadestructo, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Sharien

    Sharien Mushroom Warrior

    yay =D
    congrats to all fellow winners and good luck to all future contestants =)
    hmm but i have one concern....does that mean i cant enter in any more contests? not even just for fun?^^
    anyway rock on =)
  2. Boxcar12

    Boxcar12 Kobold

    AWESOME! Thanks you! Congrats to the other winners, and honorable mention to all participants! See you in the dungeons!
  3. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Orc Soldier

    If anyone wins a second key from the facebook thing. I beg you give it to me or I go maaad !!!!
  4. brolatypus

    brolatypus Kobold

    Awwwwwwwyeahhh! Congratz guys and thanks.
  5. Dervill

    Dervill Mushroom Warrior

    Good job, all y'all.
  6. Gutted :( will hold thumbs for 100 beta key signups
  7. ChadTheRad

    ChadTheRad Mushroom Warrior

    did you post on facebook too?
  8. brolatypus

    brolatypus Kobold

    are the keys being emailed/ have they been sent out yet?
  9. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    You might keep an eye on this area for a new beta version release: http://www.cardhunter.com/forum/forums/beta-announcements.9/

    Also, it is about 10:30am in Sydney.
    brolatypus likes this.
  10. brolatypus

    brolatypus Kobold

  11. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    East coast of US? Ah, never mind. I see it on your profile, New York! :)
    brolatypus likes this.
  12. ChadTheRad

    ChadTheRad Mushroom Warrior

    It's 7:00 here,i guess the wait in Texas might be a little more,but that's okay it'll be worth the wait
  13. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'm deploying a fixed build now and will get right onto the keys as soon as I think it's OK. Again, sorry for the delay, we had a nasty bug that I wanted to fix before bringing you guys in.
    Kahar, skip_intro, ChadTheRad and 2 others like this.
  14. ChadTheRad

    ChadTheRad Mushroom Warrior

    Thanks for fixing a couple of kinks before letting us play,you guys have done a lot,i mean you "Made" Card Hunter and yet your willing to let complete strangers play your creation,and the fact that you care enough to get rid of a few bugs instead of just tossing us in really means something,it shows you care,not many game developer's would make a game this good for free,and if they did they would certainly benefit from it,take your time,it'll be worth it in the end
  15. Hessian

    Hessian Orc Soldier

    So "Nasty Bug" should be a creature card :)
  16. ChadTheRad

    ChadTheRad Mushroom Warrior

    there needs to be a you card like "Impending Doom" bunch of splash damage to target's and they are feared for a turn
  17. Saerin

    Saerin Kobold

    Thanks for that. It is after all the logical thing to do, besides what is a few extra hours in the grand scheme of things.
  18. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I haven't been able to fix the bug yet. Ranked matchmaking isn't working properly, but I'll send out the invites now anyway.
  19. ChadTheRad

    ChadTheRad Mushroom Warrior

    hey do what you can!,and thanks we've got people here practically peeing there pants for this (myself included)
  20. Hessian

    Hessian Orc Soldier

    Just make sure the pee is nowhere near electrical outlets. Shocking, but true.

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