Huh. I do not have that button, in either my SP or MP keeps. The search field is bounded on the left by the All/Usable button.
Did it? I know it's missing on Kongregate (small UI), but I don't recall it leaving the game entirely. Kalin is your CH window tiny?
The screen shot I took just minutes before my post. It's still there for me... but I just checked and it's not present when I log in on my laptop. So clearly a screen size thing.
That's consistent with the behavior I've noticed. Makes sense that something had to go in the minified deckbuilder UI, I guess. Jon would know more about this.
Deep in a cleft mound of ulcerated limestone, a rank stench lingers. A coming wind lifts from the sea*, bears the smell upward; unfurls it and threads your nostrils with unholiness. It is the jell-o-green and artificial-grape pop rock smell of new emerald! and amethyst! cards (respectively). They are NOT the brute force damage dealing stock of simpler days, but represent insidious new paradigm-changing mechanics found ONLY in Card Hunter's new Epic ted talks: South California of the few sources from whence such raw smells could originate! *the Pacific Ocean is not a sea
Update on the story about whether or not there will be an announcement on April 1st: there will definitely be an announcement on April 1st. It contains a sneak peek at new content, and has already been drafted. Hell or high water, that announcement will. be. posted.
By the way, while you wait for the announcement, Pillars of Eternity releases at noon* today. It's from the Obsidian guys who worked on Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale and is getting stellar reviews. Highly recommended, especially if you like supporting indie studios. *Texas time (which is the only time that matters)
I don't mean this as a Bash, but we do have an OT sub-forums for talking other games. As innocent as this might seem, promoting and/or posting about other games in a strictly CH-related thread is at the very least a disservice to all the time and effort Blue Manchu is putting in its own game...
I think it's fine. This thread's topic might be "Wild Speculation", but it's really a "We're here waiting for the EttSC expansion with baited breath" thread. Pointing out another indie developer project that shares the same kind of affection for old school RPGs doesn't *seem* harmless. It IS harmless. It's also critical to support enthusiasm and affection for games of this type by this type of developer rather than succumb to corporate-minded maxims ("non-compete" and "conflict of interest" come to mind) that we've been tricked into thinking of as "manners" in this age of brand loyalty. My respect for Jon and his work is immense. I am not paying him a disservice by mentioning the above title. My hope is that you understand the spirit of the thing, because I've no interest in forum shenanigans. Forum moderation should be about pruning negativity and looking for trends in bad behavior. Aside from that, love the game you play and love the people that share your interest in it. Peace.
Might've been nice to make a thread about the other game in the OT forum and then link it here, so that folks aren't encouraged to discuss it at length here when the topic is different. But yeah no harm no foul. Carry on with the speculation.
A card that is to Anvil Strike as Sundering Strike is to Shredding Strike. Or a weapon with 2x Anvil Strike
What type of lariat weapon should the Elven time traveling Space Cowboys use, and how will it translate into CH? How about the range, damage, and effects (if any) of a plasma cattle prod?
It has the "Player Stun" effect—the controller of the affected character can't click on any UI element for three minutes.