Hi since yesterday some items have disappeared from my collection (and I have already checked Skarl's Second), Especially some duality maces (which lacks in my multiplayer party second priest too, had 6 of them at least I think), resistant hide (only one left on the two I possessed) and items with Firestorm. A huge amount of items have disappeared this one are juste the first I noticed. Either it is possible to retrieve them or at least to reboot on my monday or tuesday account state? (I play on Kongregate )
Did you recently change your party members? You might find the items on a character you swapped out of your party. You can access them in the Keep, on the left side of the screen.
my non active characters are naked no items... the only thing special I may have done was deleting some stored parties and I have tried to delete one this morning and the items were not deleted with the selections...
For fastest response please send an email to support@cardhunter.com explaining your problem (also include your game account name). I hear the support person is away today but I'm sure he'll handle it tomorrow.
i am 100% sure many of my items went missing, not a big deal since no one of them was an important legendary, but i think this is the 20th blazing stone i get from chests and says me i'ts a new item, obviously i never sell them to see how far this goes, it happens also with other items such as acolyte mace and some commons. i dont want them back and i won email the support since it is a very little issue to me and i wouldnt even know what items are missing :v but maybe you should give a look at the problem!
There has been no indication that any items have gone missing in the past - items can possibly show up as new, due to faulty flags when looting - I'd say this is more likely in the last case. However, I'm sure BM is interested to look into any issues you have regarding this - I'd suggest sending an e-mail to support@cardhunter.com (remember to mention your username) with a description of what you feel you're missing - and when you noticed this.