Loot Fairy Tracker

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Flaxative, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    2nd RDP URRR(R)
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Second Ruby:
    3 U staff, 3 U arcane skill, 3 R boots, 3 R arcane item, (4 R divine weapon)
    and another Club Of Wrath from second battle
  3. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    I really like treasure evidently
    2nd RDP UURE(R)

    2nd U and both Rs are Treasure, the E is a Vigun's Blessed Blade
  4. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    2nd Ruby Demon Portal
  5. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    second diping at Ruby Portal payed off: UUEE (L treasure)
  6. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

  7. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    The hunt has commenced!
  8. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    WTF? trakcer says Demon Portal again. anyone confirm?
  9. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    i noticed,but cant confirm.have it in cooldown
  10. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    same here
  11. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Confirmed LF at RDP on test server. UURR(R)
    e-stab likes this.
  12. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    uh... does the fairy spawn at the same location on prod and test?
  13. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Yes, it does.

    It sometimes happens that the Fairy is randomly put into the same location twice. Or the system is changed. Or there's a bug. Time will tell which it is this time, the first one being the most likely.
    Flaxative and Bandreus like this.
  14. Finial

    Finial Orc Soldier

    Confirming Ruby Demon Portal as well.

    Sir Veza and Bandreus like this.
  15. CKaz

    CKaz Goblin Champion

    belated, guess I didn't hit post reply but it was sitting here in my buffer -
    2nd RDP UURR(R) uncommon treasure

    and I guess I'm looking at 3 & later 4 now lulz
    edit - or maybe just up to 3 as RDP on wait timer already
  16. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I've been checking for the last few days and it matched each time. There's a new test build, though, so I'm glad we got a confirmation on Live.
    Flaxative likes this.
  17. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Loot Fairy Tracker no longer lists RDP as confirmed present... what's the deal, guys?
  18. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Somebody getting confused by the fairy staying at RDP maybe? Anyways, we've got a couple people confirming its location, and the reset comes in little longer than 6 hours
    Flaxative likes this.
  19. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

    Bandreus likes this.
  20. Vacuity

    Vacuity Ogre

    URRE(E) from the Ruby Portal.

    My first Gnomish Cologne, I'm so... happy? Now I can smell my best for all the (gnome) girls. One of the Rs is another Strom Circlet, which is genuinely useful.

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