Didn't dare to open a new thread just to showcase all the legendaries from the anniversary Looty hunts. 1st day: Fine Brass Toupee T Count Yurik's Rapier Dwarven Panatellas T Trained Evasion Lenora's Prayer Beads Superb Trickery Portrait Of Countess Jovana T Leomunk's Kickin' Boots Waasker's White Cup LoPiccolo's Lash The Softener I skipped lvl 18 + AI adventures. (ain't nobody got time for that)
2nd day: Trained Evasion St. Gwendolyn's Armor Are you f'n kidding me?!? 56 adventures and only TWO lousy legendaries? Thats more than 170 chests opened!
I don't do too much this weekend, just the easiest modules and making another attempt at getting the cat priest. Gold: 5167 Chests: 18 mag, 4 epic Legends: Antioch's Figurine Flail Of Fury x2 Sahagun's Sword Snobbit Pipe Tarnished Crown Unholy Nimbus Nothing new, but I did get closer to max usable on several items, especially from CM. Spoiler: Oh, and one more thing... KITTY!
star #48: UtURR(R) star #49: UURE(R) Untrained Footwork r shrine #49: UURtR(R) r shrine #50: URRR(E) Corrosive Ethereality garnet #43: RRRRE(R) Crown Of Mad Eskin garnet #44: URRRtEt(R) Smoked Nauticorn plume #32: URRtE(R) Overheated Mesmorizer plume #33: URRL(R) Deadly, Deadly Staff
sinister #57: UUtRRRR(R) sinister #58: UtRtRtRRE(R) Untrained Tactics frozen #53: UURE(R) Cleansing Hide Armor frozen #54: UURR(R) melvs #56: UURRt(Rt) melvs #57: RtREL(Lt) Ztoli Idol, Quick Jon's Buckler, Tarnished Crown finals #55: UtURR(R) finals #56: UURR(R)
mecha #31: UURL(E) Blox's Unyielding Bulwark, Stargod's Raiments mecha #32: URREt(E) Golden Idol, Command Stone yellow #35: UREE(R) Sliding Boots, Basher's Delight yellow #36: UURL(E) Bewlin's Baffling Bauble, Frozen Shield souls #51: UURREE(R) Cleansing Hide Armor, Ajan's Glowing Vial souls #52: URRRRR(R) elder #34: UURR(Rt) elder #35: UUREt(E) Golden Idol, Pipes Of Hamelin
descent #40: UURR(E) Faulty Pillar descent #41: UURR(R) metal #27: URRtR(R) metal #28: UUtRL(R) Bronson's Halberd finals #57: UURR(R) finals #58: UURR(R) frozen #55: URtRE(R) Necalli Charm + Vollmond Boots on first battle frozen #56: UUtRR(R)
Beneath the Frozen Earth U U E E (L) Reckless Lycanthropy Granwick's Ringmail St. Hedvig's Black Halo
(client crashed during hunt) r shrine #50: UURRt(L) Advanced Crushing rescue #38: URtRRRRt(R) rescue #39: UURRRE(R) Apprentice Ferocity (skipped tyrant) metal #29: UURR(R) metal #30: UURtRt(R) metal #31: UURR(R)