TMM #1: UURREE(E) Vogel's Confusotron, St. Well's Powermace, Xek's Nanocarbon Plate TMM #2: UURREE(R) Demon's Golden Blade, Godtouched Spear
T Wiz #25: UURtRRtR(E) Club Of Wrath Metallic #1: URRR(R) I only co-op the easy adventures these days.
So no one's found the Loot Fairy yet? It must be in one of those ever so popular lvl 18 adventures EDIT: Glad to have been wrong about the Looty; He's in the Lair of the Yellow Dragon.
It's been 3 months since my last LF post, but I'm back! Yellow Dragon UURRtREt(R) Golden Idol UURRRE(Rt) Startrooper's Crown
Yellow Dragon #1 - URtRREE(E) - Old Saint's Armor, St. Glist's Charm, Major's Helmet #2 - UUEtEEtLt(R) - Dancer's Dagger, 2x Goblin Champagne, Manticore Pate Welcome back, @kustaa !
The # is the number of the run. We can normally get two: pre-reset and post-reset. The capital letters are the rarity of the item: U = Uncommon, R = Rare, E = Epic, L = Legendary A lower case t following the item rarity indicates it was a treasure item. The item in parenthesis is what dropped in the club slot. Some of us use a capital letter if we have club membership, and lower case if we don't. It's just an informal system that has evolved to report drops since the Loot Fairy was introduced. There are variations, but most are pretty similar.