Deamondez of ze Kobolds URtRR(E) - although my membership has not expired yet (and it will soon) i managed to get my Cleansing Hide Armor #3
Confirmed LF in Return to the Astral Shrine Re-Burned the Volcano Shrine - UURE(e) Inkdark Halberd, missed an excess True Mail in the club slot.
Diamonds #2: 3 U boots, 6 R robes, 7 R divine armor, 7 R divine weapon, (5 R staff) Ret. Astral #1: 14 R weapon, 13 R treasure, 12 R staff, 15 L divine item, (15 R staff) Mokad's Unholy Tome
Ret. Astral #2: 15 R divine weapon, 15 R divine armor, 15 R arcane item, 12 R divine item, (13 L treasure) Wyverns #1: 17 U arcane item, 15 R divine weapon, 15 R elf skill, 16 R shield, (15 R weapon) (Troll Cigars)