Frozen #2: 8 U staff, 8 U elf skill, 6 R helmet, 5 E treasure, (7 R divine item) Wyverns #1: 16 U shield, 15 U boots, 16 R divine item, 15 R elf skill, (15 R human skill) Kraktopus Oil
Confirmed @ Lord Stafford's Treasure (lvl 8) and thanks to whoever found it yada yada 1st UURR(E) Nifty Hallberd 2nd UURR(E) Crown Of Mad Eskin
Wyverns #2: 16 U arcane item, 17 U treasure, 15 R staff, 15 R weapon, (13 R divine item) Stafford #1: 8 U divine armor, 7 U dwarf skill, 7 R divine weapon, 5 E treasure, (6 R human skill) Pure Silver Comb
I was surprised by the new last level, and even more surprised when it abruptly ended with a first turn 4 point spark and a spot of lava.
Confirmed at Melvelous the Magnificent Stafford #2: 9 U robes, 9 U divine item, 9 E dwarf skill, 9 L dwarf skill, (7 E divine weapon) Melvelous #1: 9 U boots, 9 U treasure, 9 R arcane item, 9 R arcane skill, (8 R robes) Novice Stoutness, Ferocity, (Heavy Mace)
Melvelous UURR(E) - already have 2x Silver Fir Staff and it's not great anyway, so not too sad to miss out on the Club slot.