UREE(E) Vigun's Blessed Blade Shimmering Hood Atlatl Of Zuma Yes, Loot Fairy is in a very giving mood today. Shame I don't have club. EDIT: Formatting and spelling.
Secret #2: 13 U treasure, 15 R robes, 15 R elf skill, 13 L treasure, (13 R treasure) Ruby #1: 3 U martial skill, 5 U treasure, 3 R robes, 5 E treasure, (3 R staff) Slippogriff Caviar, Pure Silver Comb, both duplicates so +1200 gp
Ruby #2: 4 U helmet, 5 U treasure, 4 R divine armor, 3 E divine weapon, (3 R arcane item) Sinister #1: 9 U arcane skill, 9 R boots, 9 E divine item, 9 L treasure, (9 R arcane skill) Atlatl Of Zuma, Pol's Prayer Beads, Tarnished Crown
Hey, now that the adventure list is no longer on the Loot Fairy tracker page, could we get a little mark somewhere next to the name when the adventure is a treasure hunt? I can't always remember the adventure names, and I don't have all the treasure hunts unlocked, so it helps me to keep track of whether or not this is one that I can do.
I'm going to reinstate the list of adventures, by popular request. Give me until the end of the weekend, though. It's hard to find 1 minute these days.