Wyverns #2: 15 U boots, 17 U human skill, 17 R treasure, 17 R divine weapon, (13 R treasure) Priest #1: 4 U robes, 3 U martial skill, 3 R divine weapon, 6 E shield, (3 R boots) Big Ash Shield
1st Lizard Priest URRL(E) The L wasn't a treasure, but it -was- the Relic of St. Darqar so... probably would've been better off if it had been.
UREE(R) stand out is the first Epic, Booming Ring - no token with 2 path of knives? yes please, I want more!
Lizard Priest #2 UUEE(R) Nifty Halberd + Sharp Shell. My 1st Nifty BTW - and I was going to skip this "useless" 4th level scenario
Priest #2: 3 R heavy armor, 4 R weapon, 1 R helmet, 3 R arcane item, (5 R robes) Slub'Gut #1: 5 U weapon, 5 U heavy armor, 7 U martial skill, 6 R arcane item, (5 R treasure)