Looking for advice on how to improve my current setup

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Holzkopf, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Holzkopf

    Holzkopf Kobold

    Posting my current setup here in hopes of some constructive ideas on what i should change to get a better effect. I plan on running 1 1 1 because it covers the most weakpoints in my opinion so changing classes is not my intention.

    Level 1 Dwarf Wizard

    Level 1 Elf Warrior

    Level 1 Human Priest
  2. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    I assume you got no parrying buckler yet?

    Stormstaff is a questionable choice, the arcing sparks usually cant hit 3 targets, suffer when there is armor and they are only hard to block 1 by themselves. If you like the idea of damaging multiple targets, consider providing arcane aura or priest support for extra damage per hit and get your hands on Oxha's Sparkspreader or Yoloxl's Staff paired with Focused Electromancy. The mighty sparks and lava tiles are the only damaging cards that dont get a huge damper as soon as armor is in play.
    Whirlwind Enemy is a solid card and far superior to Whirlwind, which is a true gamble.

    I guess you want high mobility plus armor on your dwarp and therefore use the combo of Robe of Foz and Mithril Mesh Slippers, but it might be abit much when you look at the whole package of own movement and enemy control. A token on boots can get you more interesting stuff (Diamond Moccasins). If you insist on being mobile, the armor loses relevance as well. If you want to have an edge over enemy casters, consider bringing even more winds of war instead, its less of a dead card in most cases.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2015
    Christofff, kustaa and Pawndawan like this.
  3. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    @Robauke covered your wizard quite thoroughly (+ Parrying Buckler being much better than Heavy Dueler's Shield), so I comment the other two.

    Your Bejeweled Elf is solid, only Raxcotl's Hammer (and Novice Impaling since you don't have any penetrating attacks) are a bit questionable. The original CoB elf uses more step attacks and pairs 2x Bejeweled Shortsword with Rageblood Dagger or uses 2x Double-edged Sword + 1x Bejeweled Shortsword .

    Neoncat's version uses 2x Bejeweled Shortsword with a tokenless weapon. You can also try Nova Axe instead of Bejeweled, if you want more control (Violent Spin) and purging for your warrior.

    I don't really have many ideas about the priest. I really haven't used 111-build in a long time.

    Ordering a warrior and wizard to run or dash with Trained Command might not be the best idea. You'd usually get more value out of <Move>, team! cards if your other two characters are melee-based. Maybe try a class skill with more personal blocks (parries etc.), since it seems you like to be on the front with your priest.

    Switch to Aegis Of The Defender if you want to try hanging back more with your priest.
  4. Byungmo

    Byungmo Kobold

    What about using Bejeweled Shortsword + Double-edged Sword + Infused Greatclub?
    Isn't it better to save one major token for a superior armor such as Ewix's Evolving Ensemble or The Softener rather than spending all into weapon slots?
    Is there a more superior dmg card to a Infused Greatclub in two minor tokens?
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2015
  5. Holzkopf

    Holzkopf Kobold

    Thank you guys for the great ideas and the different viewpoints on how i can improve my setup. I have a lack of certain items like parrying shield that is limiting the total build potential i currently have quite a bit
    which is also the reason i decided to drop the mage (yeah so much for the claim to stay with my setup) as i have currently no real staffs that can compete in damage with other mages so i am testing an aproach with 2 warriors and a priest which i changed into a dwarven priest due to the fact that mobility is not the issue for two warriors running bejeweled and double edged and i was noticing that he got beat up way too easily so the dwarven skills help quite a bit to make my priest more survivable if the enemy decides to go for him. I also looked at aegis again and noticed that it is basicaly what i want my priest to do and changed it so ty for the idea. I will let you know how the build is faring and i hope to have more success with this different setup.
    Pawndawan likes this.
  6. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Well if you wanna try something fun... change over to an AoA Human Warrior. Use 2 BSS and a 0 or 1 token 3rd (Strongarm and Maquah of Anient blood are my favs). Then you can have 1 of the AoA helmets, 1 of the AoA Martial skills and the AoA Human Skill.
    Forces you to use tokenless for defense/boots unless you go 0 token and then you have 1 token to choose between boots, shield or armor. This is NOT a defensive build at all, but man is it fun.

    The elf version replaces the human skill with the Super Footwork (2 quick runs) and some say it is better since you can move and AoA in 1 turn, but have only 2 AoA and it becomes a 3 card combo...
    hmmmm been a while since I played an AoA Elf, in fact never mind you DON'T want to try this.
  7. So what is your strategy?
    Wizards can be:
    electro or laser
    burst dmg
    electr dmg for burst is too bad, u can't target ground...

    Priest build depends on your others units.

    Warrior can be defensive, offensive, mobile, blocker, etc. Armored is not very good
  8. Davidoff9000

    Davidoff9000 Kobold

    This is my deck at the moment;) Maybe you can find some improvements for you're deck!

    Level 3 Human Priest

    Level 18 Elf Warrior

    Level 18 Human Wizard

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