List of Free (Main Campaign) Adventures

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Stryder, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Thank you, that's clear. I asked about the club membership because you originally did not mention whether it was allowed for or not in your numbers. Not everybody will automatically assume it is. I've found assuming things, especially on the internet, quickly leads to unfounded rumors and folk tales about game functionality. Better to ask for further info.
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    In one of the threads about gold chests not giving a Rare, I was told campaign chests only guarantee Uncommon, and so I checked my notes, saw that I always got at least one Uncommon, and I didn't look any further.

    One advantage to taking notes is that I can go back and look again now. So...

    Level 2-5 dungeons: always gave at least 2 Uncommons
    Level 6 dungeons: often have 3 Commons
    Level 7+ dungeons: at least 2 Uncommons
    Note: I only have 1 or 2 data points for each level 7+ dungeon

    Examining the secret adventure spreadsheet, it looks like five item chests (Garnet and Batford) should guarantee 3 Uncommons, and that Slub'Gut should occasionally give 3 Commons.

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